Do they wish you good luck? Best wishes for good luck. How do Christians view Luck?

When fortune is on a person’s side, he succeeds in everything he plans, and without much effort. Then they say that he is lucky. But how not to scare her away? How not to provoke the beginning of a dark streak?

Eat sign that you should not wish good luck to anyone. Not one person, not a group.

If you wish this before starting a journey, it will be difficult; if before an important matter, everything will fall through; if before a competition, you will lose.

Luck in Orthodoxy

Deeply religious people believe that everything in the world and in life happens according to Divine intent, that if you fulfill all the requirements, live according to the rules, pray, and fast, everything will work out. And luck has nothing to do with it.

If you are lucky just like that, without any effort on the part of a person, then this is the machinations of evil spirits. Therefore, from the point of view of many Orthodox Christians, even uttering the word “luck” is a great sin.

So you shouldn’t wish good luck to believers. This way you can offend them to the core.

Blood sacrifices to the god of Luck Moloch

The negative connotation of the concept of “luck” in Orthodoxy has an explanation. In the mythology of some ancient tribes who lived on the eastern shore of the Dead Sea, there was a god called Moloch.

According to legends, he fulfilled any wish and gave the person, as well as his entire family, good luck in all matters for a year. But for this Moloch had to make a sacrifice.

And not just a victim, but his newborn child, who was burned at the stake during the ritual of sacrifice.

It's scary, but many families did this. So, it is not even recommended to say the word “luck” in church, much less ask for it.

Who should not be wished good luck - folk signs

But it’s not just believers who don’t like being wished good luck. Who knows, maybe Fortune has already turned its face? If you continue to call on luck, you can scare it away, and vice versa, attract trouble.

Athletes believe in the superstition that during a competition they must be scolded with the last words in order to be lucky and win.

You can’t wish doctors either good luck or quiet duty. According to signs, after this the shift will be so difficult that it will be remembered for a long time.

You cannot wish good luck to hunters, fishermen and all those who earn their own food. There is a sign in this regard that otherwise the evil spirits will certainly disrupt the entire fishery.

They do not wish good luck to actors before a performance, to students before an exam, to sailors taking over their watch.

Before an important meeting or any important event, it is better to say “no feathers or feathers” and hear the answer “to hell with it!” Then Fortune will definitely turn its face and help you achieve your goal.

Because luck is a positive event attributed to chance or luck. A Christian should not be a hunter of unknown fortune, but a co-worker with the Heavenly Father in the work of salvation. The providence of God is what a Christian hopes and trusts in. “Thy will be done,” we turn to the Creator in the “Our Father” prayer, “a good and all-perfect will, leading to absolute happiness.

Any events sent (or even allowed) by God are aimed at the salvation of man in eternity. The meaning and significance of many events in life may become clear to us after many years, but trusting in God, and not in blind chance, is the sure path to deification.
The providence of God (the word providence refers to a craft; a folk craft, but the providence of God) is the constant action in the world of the all-good, all-wise and omnipotent will of God, turning everything to good and directing each person individually and humanity as a whole to the eternal salvation.

If you want to know God's Providence, determine what your Christian duty is in the situation in which you find yourself today.

God provides and participates in people's lives, but often does not intervene in our lives in a visible way so that our free will can make voluntary choices. God's providence means that at every stage of our life the Lord places us in such conditions under which we could make a free choice in favor of goodness, truth, justice and through this ascend to Heavenly Father. However, the depths of God’s Providence are incomprehensible to the limited human mind, so that, knowing about God’s Providence, we are not able to comprehend it fully.

Very often pains and joys come to us not from our past, but from the future. God sometimes warns us about the future towards which we are rushing at full speed. God's providence, as it were, trips us up so that we fall before we fall into a hole that we do not yet see. Let your knee be broken, but let’s keep your head intact.

One hermit asked God to make him understand the ways of His Providence, and imposed a fast on himself. When he went to visit an old man who lived far away, an Angel appeared to him in the form of a monk and offered to be his companion. In the evening, they stopped for the night with a pious man, who offered them food on a silver platter. But what a surprise! Immediately after the meal, the elder’s companion took the dish and threw it into the sea.

They went further and the next day stayed with another pious man. But trouble again! When the hermit and his companion began to prepare for the journey, the one who received them brought his young son to them to bless him. But instead of blessing, the companion, touching the boy, took his soul. Neither the old man, out of horror, nor the father, in despair, uttered a word. On the third day they took shelter in a dilapidated house. The elder sat down to eat food, and his companion first dismantled the wall and then repaired it again. Here the elder could not stand it: “Who are you - a demon or an angel? What are you doing? The day before yesterday you took away a dish from a good man, yesterday you took the life of a boy, and today you are straightening walls that no one needs.”

Do not be surprised, elder, and do not be tempted about me. I am the Angel of God. The first person to receive us acts in a manner pleasing to God, but he acquired that dish untruthfully, so I threw it away so that he would not lose his reward. The second husband is also pleasing to God, but if his son had grown up, he would have been a terrible villain. The owner of the house where we stayed is an immoral, lazy person and therefore became impoverished. His grandfather, while building this house, hid gold in the wall. That’s why I straightened the wall so that the owner wouldn’t find him and thereby die. Return, elder, to your cell and do not suffer madly, for this is what the Holy Spirit says: “The judgments of the Lord are unknown to men.” Therefore, do not test them either - it will not do you any good.

Everything is from God, both good and sorrowful, and unworthy; but one is by good will, the other by economy, the third by permission. And by good will - when we live virtuously, for it pleases God that we lead a sinless life, live virtuously and piously. According to the economy, when, falling into mistakes and sinning, we are admonished; by permission, when even those admonished we do not convert.
God was pleased that man should be saved, just as the angels cried out, saying: Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men (Luke 2:14). Again, economically, God admonishes us who sin, so that we are not condemned with the world, as the apostle says: We are judged by God and punished, lest we be condemned with the world (1 Cor. 11:32). And there are evils in the city that the Lord has not created (Amos.3:6), such as: famine, plagues, illnesses, defeats, battles; for all this serves to cleanse sin, who either do not want to live without sin, or those who are admonished do not convert, but remain in sin, as it is written: God has blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts (John 12:40); and: he gave them over to an unskilled mind, that is, he allowed them to create incomparable freedom (Rom. 1:28); also: by hardening I will harden Pharaoh’s heart (Ex. 4:21), that is, I will allow it to become hardened because of his disobedience. (Reverend Ephraim the Syrian)

Very often in everyday life, before an important task, we wish each other good luck. This is considered a gesture of politeness and, in theory, does not carry any negative connotation. However, not everyone considers such a wish to be good. Some people may take it almost as a personal insult. Who should you not wish good luck and why?

Creepy Moloch

Luck in the usual sense of the word is a positive event that occurred as a result of a certain combination of circumstances. Few people know that luck in the Bible is directly related to the ancient Semitic pagan god Moloch. Mention of it, in particular, is found in the Old Testament Third Book of Kings and the Book of the Prophet Jeremiah.

Moloch is the god of luck and fortune among the Sumerians and some other peoples, and later among the Carthaginians. The statue of the deity was cast from silver, in front of it was a copper frying pan with boiling oil, and behind it was a burning stove. Babies were sacrificed to Molech.

It was believed that whoever donated his child would have a whole year of good luck ahead of him. It was for the sake of a good harvest, success in trade and any other activity that people sacrificed their children. As a result, the very word “luck” acquired a negative connotation among the ancients, associated with the thousands of innocent victims of Moloch.


The first Christians were well aware of the bloody cult of the god of luck, so the corresponding wish began to be viewed as a terrible punishment. Archimandrite Cleopas (Ilie) noted in his writings that wishing good luck for a Christian is a desire to bring Moloch upon a person. Thus, a seemingly harmless wish is actually a grave sin.

This belief is widespread among believers to this day. Christians rely solely on the will of God, and not on chance or luck, and even with obvious pagan overtones. The Gospel of Luke says: “God was pleased that man should be saved, just as the angels cried out, saying: Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.”

Believers believe that what is happening to us is sent down by God. And human achievements are the result of his own labors and diligence, as well as God’s help, and not a coincidence of circumstances.

In Islam

A similar approach is professed in Islam. Devout Muslims may also not be happy if you wish them luck. Luck is well-being, and any good can only come from Allah.

If you just wish good luck, then it’s not entirely clear where this good comes from? The 18th surah of the Quran al-Kahf says: “I will do it tomorrow. Unless Allah wills it! If you have forgotten, then remember your Lord and say: “Perhaps my Lord will lead me in a more correct path.”

Devout Muslims, if they want to wish well-being, usually mention Allah. “Success to you from Allah” and so on.

Hunters and fishermen

It is also not customary to wish good luck to fishermen, hunters and all those who obtain their food in this way. As the Soviet ethnographer and religious scholar Sergei Tokarev noted, signs associated with hunting and fishing are the most ancient, because the survival of the people of that time depended on success in this matter.

It was impossible to wish for good luck, since it was believed that evil spirits could hear this, who would then certainly disrupt the entire fishery. It is from this belief that the wishes we know come from: “no tail, no scales,” “no fluff, no feather,” and the like. It was believed that evil spirits, satisfied with what they heard, would leave the person alone.

The belief has survived unchanged to this day. True, in modern times it extends not only to fishing and hunting. For example, you should not wish good luck to a person before an exam.

Actors and doctors

You can’t wish good luck or a good performance to the artists either. According to the old English tradition, which began in the second half of the 16th century, actors were asked to break a leg before going on stage. This was done in approximately the same way as in the case of hunters and fishermen: they wished for bad things, which means there will be success.

Why “break a leg”? Firstly, at the end of the performance the actor had to kneel down and bow his head before the audience, and secondly, he had to pick up the coins that they threw to him instead of flowers.

Now, both in Russia and abroad, many artists before a performance join hands and shout “With God!” There are also those who repeat “ugh” three times.

Doctors are also superstitious. Among doctors, it is believed that if you hear a wish of good luck addressed to you, your duty will certainly be hectic and fussy.

It is believed that one should not wish good luck to another person or group. This belief is most widespread in Orthodoxy, Judaism and Islam; ordinary fishermen, hunters, actors and some pagans also avoid such wishes.

Where did superstition come from?

There are two versions of where the belief came from that you should not wish a person good luck. Which one is more accurate cannot be said for sure.

  1. It is believed that this is an ancient hunting tradition. The evil spirit will hear your wish and do everything to make it happen the other way around. Therefore, allegories were put into circulation or, on the contrary, they wished for failure.
  2. Another version of the origin is Christian. Orthodox believers believe that this is an appeal to the ancient Sumerian god Moloch, to whom children were sacrificed.

According to an alternative version, the fact is that the ancient Roman goddess Fortuna was touchy and changeable. Therefore, those who turned to her too often or relied on her too much sooner or later lost her patronage for intrusiveness and were doomed to a streak of bad luck. It was possible to overcome the black streak only through sacrifices, so it was easier not to mention the goddess of luck once again.

It is now impossible to find out the original source. Everyone can count as they prefer.

Important! Some people are of the opinion that such superstitions are stupid inventions.

Why you shouldn't wish for luck

You can wish for success, happiness, prosperity. But you can't have luck. This is due to long traditions. How applicable they are in real life and how to treat them is a personal matter for everyone. For example, doctors, artists and fishermen will readily confirm that as soon as someone tells them this, everything goes wrong. They will be joined by mushroom pickers and some trade workers.

Why you can’t wish good luck according to folk signs

There are several versions of why, according to popular beliefs, one should not wish for good luck:

  • if you say such parting words out loud, you can jinx it, and everything will turn out the other way around;
  • luck will turn away if you often say out loud wishes for its favor;
  • evil spirits, demons will hear and prevent a person from achieving success;
  • a person encouraged by parting words will not do everything in his power, relying on the intervention of fate.

They especially don’t like it when fishermen, hunters, doctors and actors wish them luck. Regarding breadwinners, it is known that this tradition is associated with the ancient belief in spirits, when such a wish attracted unnecessary attention to a person.

Actors in different countries will respond differently. Thus, in countries where in ancient times they believed in fairies, it was believed that, out of harm, they would definitely pay attention to a person whom they wished good luck and would deliberately harm him or even take him to their kingdom. In Slavic countries, this is explained mainly by Christian tradition, but some suggest that in the old days traveling artists avoided wishing for luck, fearing that pitchforks or mermaids would take away their success. Interestingly, the desire to break a leg before a performance is almost international.

Doctors generally have their own signs, which are obscure to the uninitiated. Regarding wishes of good luck, you cannot wish because after such parting words the working day, operation or duty will be a real disaster.

Important! Despite any superstitions, after wishing good luck you should neither be arrogant nor give up. It must be remembered that most of the events depend on the person, and not on fate.

Why you can’t wish good luck in Orthodoxy

Christians, especially Orthodox Christians, are sure that good luck cannot be wished for under any circumstances. This is due to the fact that they associate such a wish, firstly, with an appeal to the god Moloch for protection, and secondly, as an appeal to the Devil. If the first is understandable, because ancient Christians may have personally seen how they sacrificed babies to Molech and asked for good luck, then the second remains not entirely clear.

There is a version that in ancient times, without thinking twice, believers attributed all gods except their own to evil spirits. As a result, any turning to anything even illusorily connected with paganism became an turning to the Devil or Satan, and not a falling away from the faith.

Islam has a similar view. According to Muslims, any luck comes from Allah, which means wishing it on someone means interfering with the work of higher powers, and this cannot be done. Judaism shares the view of Orthodoxy on this issue completely.

An alternative version of why one should not wish good luck to Orthodox Christians is that wishing good luck is superstitious. By this, a person seems to express confidence that he can influence events, although they are subject only to God. This is unacceptable from a Christian point of view. However, praying for help in business is another matter.

Important! The average citizen does not necessarily have obvious signs of religious affiliation or level of superstition.

This doesn't mean you should avoid wishing everyone luck. If this causes inconvenience to someone, he will say so and ask not to do it again. If not, this is no longer the problem of the person who wishes it.

How else can you wish good luck?

If you need to wish good luck, but cannot say it directly, there are three methods to please any superstitious people:

  1. Allegory. Instead of wishing good luck, you can parting words with wishes for success or a successful outcome of the matter. For example, “good luck on the exam!” or “pass the interview safely!”
  2. Wish you to fail. Usually they wish “no fluff, no feather.” This is a universal parting word, to which the usual answer is “to hell with it.” For specific situations, before fishing, going for berries or visiting the boss, folk art suggests “no tail, no scales,” “no fungus, no berries,” “no praise, no money.” Among superstitious sellers there is a specific “no client, no revenue.”
  3. Shift responsibility for the fate of man to God in plain text. However, phrases such as “God help”, “with God”, “with God’s grace” can offend non-believers or representatives of non-Christian religions.

Some limit themselves to friendly handshakes or kisses on the cheek, thus implying participation and support.

In the old days, the phrase “peace to you and your home” was widely used, which was also one of the forms of wishing good luck, prosperity and prosperity without attracting attention.

Important! It’s easy to find the right words if you understand the situation.

Saying “good job” or “bon voyage” will demonstrate interest and a sincere desire for everything to go smoothly. Sometimes allegories express this even better than the usual “well, good luck.”

How to avoid the consequences predicted in signs

Those who believe in omens should know how to prevent an impending disaster if someone has recklessly wished good luck.

  1. For an Orthodox person, it is enough to cross himself to calm his conscience, then he can go to church and pray.
  2. A simply superstitious person can symbolically “buy off” failures. To do this, they either quietly throw a small coin over their shoulder, or, if there is still a lot of time before the event, they pay off with alcohol, placing a shot of vodka on a cabinet or in a dark corner of the house.
  3. In case there are a few days left before the event, a salt bath is suitable. Salt scrubs will cleanse not only the body, but also the energy field. After the procedure is completed and all that remains is to rinse off, they say the following words: “water and salt will take away bad luck, other people’s thoughtless words will not bring me harm.”
  4. Those who believe that Fortune will be offended by remembering her in vain are advised to carry with them an amulet or talisman that attracts good luck. It is impossible to talk about it and it is undesirable for it to come into view of strangers.

But the best way to avoid any consequences, for those who do not believe strongly enough in omens, is to ignore the fact that you cannot wish for good luck and treat such parting words as politeness.

Important! Despite the fact that in Orthodoxy one cannot wish for good luck, it is known that Christianity has a negative attitude towards any superstitions.

It is believed that belief in omens, spirits, and magic is incompatible with Orthodoxy. In this regard, some church leaders are trying to eradicate superstitions, even those that, at first glance, fit into the Christian picture of the world.


You cannot wish good luck only to those who believe that in this way a person incurs misfortune or the wrath of God. In other cases, a wish of good luck, at the very least, will cheer you up, and maybe really put a person in the right mood, and he will be lucky.

The best good luck wishes sent to your friends, acquaintances, family and friends will lift their spirits and charge them with positivity for the whole day.

Beautiful wishes of good luck

I wish you happiness and luck,
Health, long bright years,
And with ease to any task
Brilliant finding the answer.

Reach the heights of your career as soon as possible,
And succeed in your personal life,
Serve your friends as an example in everything,
And look into the future with optimism.

Every minute has its own purpose.
You just have to guess it.
Every moment will be special -
Life can become richer!

Live without wasting a second or a day -
Good luck ahead!
Believe that any dream will come true,
And go to your cherished goal!

Good luck, may it smile on you
In family life and in business,
Let the day begin successfully,
Always with a smile on your lips,

Always accompanies you through life,
Let it be like a family member
And don’t scare me away, because there are no more capricious things,
Better yet, hug me tight.

I want to wish you good luck,
To be next to you,
So that during the day she could be the sun,
And at night a bright star.

I wish you luck
Hold it tightly in your hands,
Don't change your luck with anyone
And don’t lend it to anyone.

I wish you to preserve your luck,
Appreciate and treasure her
I wish you good luck
Live a happy life.

Love, harmony, warmth,
Good luck in everything!
And life was always in bloom,
Gave me joy and dreams!
Let spring sing in your soul,
Always fresh, always clear!
And in these bright moments -
Flowers and congratulations from us!

I wish you sun in the blue sky,
Smiles, the beauty of flowers,
The most affectionate, beautiful words,
Like delicate velvet petals!

May there be wonderful days
From happiness, joy, warmth.
Hopes easily came true
Luck has always been with you!

Everyone has their own dream in their destiny.
The road to it is not so easy at times...
May your goals always be achieved
Luck shines like a bright star!

Will help you achieve all heights
Faith in victory, in one’s own strength,
And the new day that is coming -
He will be successful and happy again!

A bright, fast-winged bird
May good luck come
And happy energy
Will give very generously,

So that dreams come true,
The mood became the most cheerful,
And success made friends
I would definitely go with you!

Luck is a capricious lady
Flashing his plumage,
It happened, sometimes she flew away,
Having beckoned you to others.

May it never let you down
Good luck in your life,
And let it not pass without her,
My friend, not a single day.

May luck walk with you,
And accompanies you everywhere!
Helps solve problems
Failures always win!
Whatever it is, let this bird
It will live with you forever!
And then your life will become clear,
Simply fabulous, bright, beautiful!

Best wishes for good luck

Let the friendship be real
Success is a joy for the soul,
Career – bright and brilliant,
Income – stable and large.
Health – strong, limitless,
Cozy and beautiful is the house,
Well, luck is everywhere personally
Accompanies you in everything.

Good luck to you! Warmth, kindness, good luck,
Joy, health, beauty!
So that the fire in the hot eyes does not go out
And the best dreams came true!

Every moment is so important and valuable,
After all, there are no insignificant minutes in life.
May luck be with you all the time,
And there are many bright victories ahead.
The path to your goal brings you closer every step,
Any roads lead to success,
The support of loved ones helps in everything,
Their warmth and care give them strength!

Appreciate life's golden moments,
Cherish every minute of it,
Let luck help you in your plans,
Stay on course for success and good luck.
Move boldly towards your designated goal,
Strive for your distant horizons,
So that dreams can come true,
May any wishes come true!

Good luck, happiness, tender words,
And in the heart - beautiful feelings,
Softer than the silk of petals,
Brighter than clear noon!
Let every moment be warm
The love of those who are nearby.
So that for this wonderful moment
Look with a happy look!