Fortune telling on Lord Atisha's beads. Looking to the future. Fortune telling in Tibet. The purpose of the fortune telling ritual

Every country, every nationality has its own types of traditional fortune telling. Some of them have their roots in ancient times and are a legacy of shamanism, witchcraft and prophetic practices.

However, we still use these methods, having adapted them to modern times, excluding dancing around the fire and sacrifices. Some fortune telling appeared relatively recently, but have already found their adherents.

Today for you are 5 national fortune tellings from different countries that can answer many questions. Of course, as you understand, this is only a small fraction of the world mantic experience accumulated over centuries.

Buddhist rosary divination

This fortune telling came to us from Buddhist monks, and, in principle, to carry it out you will need rosary beads, however, if you don’t have them, then simple round beads will do, the main thing is that they are made of natural material - stone or wood, and so that there is a lock on them - it will be the end point. Hold the rosary or beads between your palms for a while without thinking about anything. Free your mind. Then, without counting the beads, begin to move them clockwise while thinking about your question. When you realize that the question is formulated clearly, stop somewhere in the middle of the string of rosaries or beads and start counting, saying: the first - yes, the second - no, the third - depends on me, the fourth - depends on others. The last bead will be the answer to your question.

Celtic divination with resin

This fortune telling came to us from the Druids - famous experts on nature who could read trees like an open book. For this fortune telling, the time of year is not important, the main thing is that you have a desire to get to the nearest forest or park. Formulate a problem that worries you, or ask a question that is important to you and go in search of an old spruce or pine tree. Collect some resin from the trunk and return home.

Carefully examine the brought resin, placing it on a white, clean sheet of paper or a snow-white cloth.

  • If the resin is almost transparent and liquid, it means that a wonderful future awaits you, your problem will be resolved in the most favorable way - Luck will smile on you, and changes for the better will not be long in coming. If you asked a specific question, then the answer is “yes”;
  • If the resin is transparent, but at the same time viscous, then your problem, or rather, its occurrence, was influenced by the envy of someone around you, this person deliberately created this problem, and until you sort it out with this person, you will not solve the problems that have arisen between you. you and they disagree, the problem will remain unresolved. If you asked a specific question, then the answer to it has not yet been determined, since everything is in your hands, it depends only on you how events will develop;
  • If the resin is cloudy and very dense, and its color is dark, then this foreshadows the onset of difficult times, and all this will happen precisely because of the problem that you formulated at the beginning of the fortune-telling. Therefore, you just have to wait until the dark streak ends. Nothing depends on you now. If you asked a specific question, then the answer is “no”;

Japanese fortune telling by cherry blossoms

This fortune telling was born during Hanami - the cherry blossom festival. However, it is not at all necessary to go to Japan to somewhere in a Kyoto park “read the pattern of fallen petals.” Just wait until flowering time. For this fortune telling, you will need a sakura tree, an ordinary cherry tree, or in general any flowering plant with medium-sized flowers and petals - bird cherry, apple tree, quince, lilac. But first, you have to find “your” tree, that is, the one next to which you will feel the desire to stop, the one to which you will be drawn, and next to which you will find peace of mind. Once the tree has been selected, clearly state what interests you and carefully look at how the fallen petals lie around the tree:

  • If the petals lie in one place as if they were put there, everything will work out for you, your life will very soon become prosperous and happy, and what bothers you will leave you forever. A difficult problem will be resolved;
  • If the petals are scattered like a fan, you need to focus on the main thing - only persistent movement towards the goal will give results. If you are faced with a choice, then consider all possible options; it is possible that the correct one will be the one that you for some reason do not take into account;
  • If the petals evenly surround the tree, everything is fine with you, even if for some reason you think otherwise. Don't worry - your problems are just the result of self-doubt. You already have what you are asking for. The main thing is to be able to understand that you have already found it and not lose it;
  • If the petals are clearly divided into two zones on both sides of a tree or shrub, events will soon await you that will radically change your life. And as a result, you will either get what you ask for, or it will turn out to be unnecessary for you, since you will already have new desires, attachments and addictions. Don’t rush to solve the problem that worries you, don’t waste your energy in vain, nothing depends on you now;
  • If the wind blows the petals far from the tree, your wish will not come true, and the problem will remain unresolved. You've missed your chance and there's nothing you can do about it. Be philosophical about this. But next time be more sensitive to the prompts of Fate;

International fortune telling with sticks

In some sources, this fortune telling is called “Queen” and is considered English, but it is unlikely that this is a native English name, since there were no queens born there, only queens. Yes, and mentions of such fortune-telling are found among different peoples, for example, among the Japanese. That’s why we called it tolerant – international.

And for fortune telling you will need seven wooden sticks, preferably made of willow. Three sticks should be the size of your little finger, three should be the size of your middle finger, and the seventh should be the length of your palm.

Place the longest stick at your feet, and hold the rest above it, moving them with your fingers. Focus on the issue that interests you. And when the question is formulated, transfer all six sticks to your right hand. Now, randomly pull out one stick with your left hand, and let the rest fall at your feet. And look how they lay down:

  • If there are more long sticks than short ones, then the answer to your question is “yes”;
  • If there are more short ones, the answer is “no”;
  • If there are more short sticks, then fortune telling is over for you, and if there are fewer, then continue to look at the fallen sticks:
  • If one of the sticks falls on the longest stick, it means that what you have in mind will come true easily, higher powers will help you, and you will only need to take advantage of the favorable moment in time;
  • If one of the sticks did not touch the ground, but fell on the other sticks, then you will have to use ingenuity, use some non-standard methods to make your plans come true;
  • If all the fallen sticks point to the longest stick, then you will play an important role in fulfilling your plan;
  • If none of the fallen sticks points to the longest one, then nothing depends on you, and it is not a fact that you will be happy with how and in what way your plan will come true. It is likely that it is better for you to abandon your plan, since it will not bring you joy.

English fortune telling for the future

It is believed that you can tell fortunes in this way only once a year - on your own birthday or on the day of either of the two solstices. This fortune telling predicts what awaits a person within 12 months from the date of fortune telling.

Take a piece of white natural fabric or a new white scarf and wrap several symbolic objects in it: a ring (your own, not a wedding), a key (not made of plastic, preferably the one you use), a willow twig (3-4 cm long), a piece of pie, a crust of black bread, an ace of spades, an ace of diamonds, an ace of hearts and an ace of clubs. Just remember that the cards must be from a new, unplayed or previously used fortune-telling deck.

Place the resulting bundle under your pillow and try not to drop it on the floor in your sleep. And don’t close the curtains - the mysterious moon will send you (or not, you can’t guess) a prophetic dream.

The idea of ​​this fortune telling is that in your dream you should see something similar to what you have wrapped in a white cloth. But you shouldn’t carefully list all the items before going to bed. Try not to think about them at all. Imagine something pleasant and calming. Then the result of fortune telling will be more accurate.

  • If you saw a ring in a dream, you are about to get married or become very attached to some person;
  • If the key is, you will get a promotion with a move to a new office or another building, or you will find a new home;
  • If you have a piece of pie or any other pastry, your life will be joyful, calm and well-fed, and there will also be a lot of communication and meetings with people close to you;
  • A crust of black bread or bread in general - you have to work a lot and hard, but your work will be adequately rewarded, just don’t rush things and don’t neglect your responsibilities;
  • A willow twig or any plant - unexpected joy awaits you. Perhaps some of your cherished desires will come true or you will be shown the path to achieving a goal that you think cannot be realized;
  • Cards of the diamond suit - the year will be financial, which will allow you to improve your financial situation. Perhaps you will receive a salary increase or find an additional source of income;
  • Cards of the spades suit - some misfortune awaits you, be careful. This dream can also warn of illness;
  • Cards of the club suit - a change of residence or job awaits you;
  • Cards of the heart suit - you are about to fall in love, and in general a rich personal life awaits you;
  • If you didn’t dream of any of the above or you simply didn’t remember your dream, then most likely no special changes are expected in your life in the next year;

Of course, there are many more national fortune-telling stories, but most of them deserve a personal article. And we will definitely return to this issue. Everything has its time.

Since Buddhism entered Tibet in the seventh century, followers of this religion have embraced all sorts of ways to explore the future. Tibetans began to widely use them to predict future events. And although these methods of prediction were used before the advent of Buddhism, they are not considered some kind of relic of the past, which does not fit into the framework of the Buddhist tradition, but which is sometimes very convenient to turn to. Moreover, they are in full accordance with Buddhist concepts and principles, such as the law of karma. There is no mention of fortune telling in the Sutri collection, but it is mentioned in the Tantras.

Fortune telling from the perspective of karma - the law of cause and effect

According to well-known Buddhist ideas, under the influence of the three poisons of obscurations (ignorance, attachment and anger), beings perform actions that do not allow them to escape the wheels of rebirth and suffering. Rebirth may take place in one of six worlds, inhabited respectively by gods, demigods, humans, animals, hungry ghosts or beings of hell.

Birth in the lower worlds among the inhabitants of hell, hungry ghosts and animals, or in the human world, but in extremely unfavorable conditions, is due to the commission of negative deeds.

Conscious action or karma has four characteristics.

1) The result of the action is final. Whatever the action that replenishes our life baggage, it will have a corresponding result. Just as the seed of a chili pepper can never become a plant bearing sweet fruit, so anger cannot lead to rebirth in the higher realms. It is impossible to change the consequences of an action once they have already occurred. For example, if you take birth in a human body, you do not have the opportunity to exchange it for the body of another person or deity.

2) A small cause can lead to significant results. For example, a woman who offered Buddha a handful of grains received a prophecy from him that in her next birth she would become a hermit and achieve high realizations. And a person who called another a frog was then reborn in the form of a frog for five hundred lives. There is a rather subtle relationship between cause and effect, and therefore we need to remember that even the smallest negative offense has corresponding consequences.

3) An imperfect action will not lead to results.. If a soldier takes a talisman with him to war and returns unharmed, it is not at all necessary that the power of the talisman saved him. Most likely he did not have the karma to be injured.

4) Every action taken will inevitably manifest itself as a result.. Unless an antidote can be applied to a particular action, karma will only be exhausted when the result has fully manifested itself.

The purpose of the fortune telling ritual

By looking into someone's future, a diviner or medium can assess a specific situation and give advice on how to respond to it or what to do in this case. Corrective actions, such as rituals, awaken positive forces and can ultimately change a person’s future. Rituals cannot correct karma, this is well known to both the fortune teller and his customer. However, with the help of rituals it is possible to influence karma through a person’s stream of consciousness. Thus, there is a possibility of awakening hidden positive potential, which will prevail over what is considered the cause of future troubles.

The karma of any person is divided into two types: uncertain and definite. The name “uncertain” does not mean that it is not capable of bearing fruit, just the time and manner of its manifestation remain uncertain for the time being. Any action that brings joy or pain does not necessarily immediately manifest itself in the form of a specific result. Every being has a vast potential for causes leading to pleasure or pain, which will certainly bear fruit when the right conditions arise.

In order for the ritual to take effect, its customer must make offerings of food and money to the monks, or to those people who perform ritual actions. The merit he accumulates through this gift will be used to activate the latent positive forces that a person has the potential to possess. Thus, one's own merit is not transferred to another, which would be a violation of the laws of cause and effect, but is simply a means to set into motion the positive karma of a person.

For example, if someone has a sick relative, or his affairs are not going well, he can turn to an experienced fortune teller so that through fortune telling he can choose the most suitable ritual that can change the situation for the better. The success of this ritual depends on how strong the person's karma is. During tantric ritual, deities are invoked to awaken the seeds of positive karma,

Sealed fortune telling bowl
on dough balls

present in a person’s stream of consciousness, and overcome negative tendencies that cause illnesses and other problems. However, if the karma or karmic predisposition causing the disease is stronger than the latent potential of the positive inherent in the continuum of the person, then the problem will not be eliminated, and the ritual in this case will not be beneficial.

It is said that many prophecies were spoken about the Chinese invasion of Tibet, and a great many rituals were performed in accordance with this. However, since the negative karma of the Tibetan people was too strong, all these methods were unable to counter it and were in vain.

Fortune telling in Tibetan society

Fortune telling plays a fairly significant role in the lives of Tibetans, whether they live in Tibet itself, in exile in India, or elsewhere. Most decisions regarding pressing issues, be it a wedding or making deals, are resolved only after resorting to a certain type of fortune telling. In the same way, it is examined how dangerous the disease is, and then the most effective method of treating it is selected. In most cases, people seek advice from lamas they trust. They roll dice or use beads to decide on the right decision. Sometimes other types of predictions are used, such as turning to oracles or fortune telling on a mirror. In the areas where nomads live, the population is extremely small and highly dependent on the vagaries of nature, so predictions, signs and omens are taken quite seriously there. As a rule, people interpret them themselves.

Qualities that a person conducting fortune telling should be endowed with

The one who performs fortune telling relies on the power that a certain deity gives him. This power arises from connection with a deity from a past life and is strengthened by performing solitary practices that include reciting mantras at least one million times, clearly visualizing oneself as a specific deity, and generating divine pride. There are many ways to make predictions based on the practice of various deities, in particular, fortune telling with reference to Manjushri, Tara, Vajrapani, Five Dakinis, Palden Lhamo, Dorje Yudronma and Tsering Che-nga (Five Sisters of Long Life).

In order to carry out fortune telling, you need pure motivation. Although any person is able to establish a connection with the deity through intensive recitation of mantras, and, as a result, gain some power, however, its use for achieving unseemly goals will ultimately have the opposite effect and lead to unfavorable results. birth. Thus, the main motive for immersing oneself in the practice of divination should be the intention to help living beings and free them from suffering.

Types of fortune telling

Fortune telling with dough balls

This method is practiced mainly in monasteries or by individual lamas when a very important decision needs to be made, as in the case of searching for the reincarnations of high lamas. On narrow strips of paper they write possible answers to the question posed, for example, the names of candidates applying for the title of reincarnated lama. Then the notes are rolled into the dough, giving them the shape of balls of equal size. The balls are weighed with special care to ensure that their sizes are exactly the same. After this, they are placed in a bowl, which is carefully sealed and placed in front of a sacred object, such as the Jowo Buddha statue in the main temple of Lhasa, images of the protectors of the Teaching, or the tombstones of the burial places of great lamas, asking their blessing to obtain the correct answer. For three days, the monks do not leave the temple, reading prayers day and night. During this time, no one is allowed to touch the urn. On the fourth day, the lid of the bowl is removed from the bowl in front of everyone present. The High Lama then spins the bowl in front of the sacred object until one of the balls pops out. This is where the answer lies.

Fortune telling by bones ("Mo")

The divination, based on the practice of Palden Lhamo, uses three cubes, on the sides of which the numbers from one to six are depicted as dots. In the case of fortune-telling involving the invocation of other deities, letters may be written on the edges. The cubes can be bone, wood or made from sea shell. Garje Khamtrul Rinpoche describes his personal bone divination technique as follows:

“For fortune telling to give the desired result, it is necessary that the fortuneteller has pure motivation, and the person who turns to him for advice completely trusts him. To obtain the correct answer, it is important that both of them pray to the Three Jewels, the root Lama, the Masters and the lineage deities, especially Palden Lhamo and other Dharma Protectors. If the essence of the question is unclear, I ask again. I then visualize myself as my personal deity Dorje Shonu or Vajra Kilaya and invoke Palden Lhamo. Thanks to the long practice of this Defender of the Teaching, I can clearly imagine her before me and ask you to give a clear answer to the person who came for advice. Then I throw the dice and find an interpretation in the fortune-telling book for the combination of numbers that appears. There are many such books written by great lamas that contain answers to all kinds of questions, but if you really master the art of fortune telling, there is no need to consult the text.

I then tell the person the answer the dice gave. Sometimes it is accurate and other times it is not. In some cases it can be difficult to understand, and then I roll the dice until the situation becomes clearer.”

Fortune telling with rosary mala

First of all, the person conducting fortune-telling turns to the deity with prayers and recites the appropriate mantras, asking for help in obtaining the correct answer. Then he places the mala (rosary) in a horizontal plane in front of him, while using the fingers of both hands to grab randomly selected beads so that approximately half of the rosary remains between them. After this, his fingers begin to count out three beads in succession, moving towards each other until they are next to each other. The result of fortune telling depends on the number of remaining beads. The process is repeated three times.

When only one bead remains, it is called a “falcon”. Two beads are called “raven”. The result of a fortune telling that reveals a combination of three beads is known as a "snow lion".

The result of the first attempt reflects the degree of favor on the part of the deities and serves as an indicator of the reliability of fortune telling as a whole. In this case, “falcon” speaks of support from the Defenders of the Teaching, good luck in new ventures and success in legal cases.

"Raven" means that the Defenders are not on your side now. This combination warns that endeavors will end in failure, litigation will be lost, and also indicates the presence of enemies. Such a fortune-telling result serves as a warning that you should not take on new things.

The “Snow Lion” that appears in the first round of fortune telling indicates help from the deities, slow but steady progress of the work begun, as well as the weakness of your ill-wishers. If the question concerned business success, then this result is assessed as “neutral”.

The result of the second attempt reflects the situation in your immediate environment. "Falcon" reports favorable conditions in general, but does not promise much success for those who intend to have children. The risk of losing property or getting sick is generally low.

“Raven” speaks of the threat of a serious illness, problems with recovery and loss of vitality. There is also a possibility that you will lose some items or have them stolen. However, among those who are ordained, these negative tendencies manifest themselves to a lesser extent.

On the third attempt, the number of beads remaining will give a prediction regarding someone's expected return. This issue was very important in Tibet, since people often went on long journeys and did not have any means of communication. Here the “falcon” predicts the speedy receipt of news or the return of travelers. If the question concerns a disease, then this option indicates the opportunity to find the most effective method of healing.

"Raven" gives an unfavorable forecast regarding the return of travelers. He warns that they may encounter obstacles on the way, not return at all, or be subject to robbery. The sick will not be able to recover, and property will be lost or stolen. “Snow Lion” reports that the travelers will not return so soon, but safe and sound. There is a possibility of minor health problems, although determining the correct treatment will not be so easy.

The best result is a combination of three consecutive “falcons”. She promises the speedy return of travelers, the complete recovery of the sick, and the quick completion of all work begun.

Fortune telling on laces

This type of fortune telling is quite popular among nomads. Flat laces about two centimeters thick are laid in several layers in the form of a rectangle, and then the ends are pulled with a sharp movement. If the laces are easily unraveled, then this is regarded as a good sign, while the presence of knots is a bad omen.

The ending follows

Compiled by Dorje Tseten from materials provided by Venerables Denma Locho Rinpoche, Panchen Otrul Rinpoche and Khamtrul Rinpoche.
Article from CHÖ YANG magazine

Translation from English by Elena Lokhnina

And he collected rosaries from literally all over the world. It has completely unique exhibits that were consecrated by priests of various religions. Farhad even has a rosary, illuminated by the Pope himself, as well as the Dalai Lama. And there are very, very many similar items that can be successfully collected.

here you will find out everything that was previously hidden from you. Tarot, astrology, fortune telling, signs, feng shui, aromatherapy, online fortune telling, lunar calendar (since 1960), how to create your own amulet, horoscopes, discover the secret of your dreams and much more you will discover right here!

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Today there are quite a lot of different Christmas fortune-telling, but we want to bring to your attention one of the most ancient methods of wax fortune-telling during the Christmas holiday. On Christmas night, you should take one wax church candle, one green candle, a tablespoon, matches and pour a basin of cold, spring water. Do not take water from the tap, as it does not have the necessary positive energy and is too contaminated with negative manifestations that it acquired while flowing through the pipes.

We take the candle and break it into small pieces with our hands, which we put into a tablespoon. At the same time, you should think only about what worries you or what you want to learn from higher powers with the help of such fortune telling.

Once the spoon is filled with candle pieces, you should light the green candle and hold the spoon over its flame. And think all the time about what you want to know.

When all the wax has melted, with a quick movement of your hand, pour it into a bowl of cold water and when the wax figures have hardened, begin to decipher the messages and meanings.
If you saw:
a wreath means you will soon walk down the aisle
noticed a snake - a rival has appeared in your love affairs and you need to be more attentive to your lover so that he does not leave for another
a swan swims in the water - everything will be fine and you will be happy with your chosen one
a horseshoe also indicates the happiness and well-being of your union
if you see a mill, you should get rid of your sworn girlfriends who are spreading gossip and idle speculation about you
the crown appears on those who expect quick success in business and life
balls, balls or wax beads speak of small problems or obstacles that lie ahead of you, but you can easily overcome them if you listen to your heart.

There are quite a lot of meanings for wax figures, the main thing is to listen to yourself and if you really like the overall picture obtained from frozen wax and it evokes only positive emotions in you, then everything will be fine and you have nothing to be afraid of.

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HISTORY OF TAROT CARDS. Even those who have little idea of ​​what mysticism, esotericism and fortune telling are, probably know at least something about the Tarot. This is the most widespread divination system in the world, existing for centuries.

As is commonly believed, Tarot cards appeared in the Middle Ages. A standard Tarot deck has 78 cards and is used only for fortune telling. The images on the cards have a complex interpretation, depending on whether the card is placed upright or upside down. Therefore, predictions made using the Tarot have always been considered mysterious and ambiguous.

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Since ancient times, the most important days for performing the ritual of fortune-telling have been considered to be Christmas and Epiphany days. Christmastide is the days between Christmas and Epiphany, and it is during these thirteen days that you can accurately find out your destiny and what awaits you in the near or distant future. Most often, Christmas fortune-telling was aimed at personal life, love and happiness in the family - girls tried to find out the name of their betrothed, what life awaited them with him, his name and how many children there would be in the family.

It is best if you ask questions about your personal life completely alone, since otherworldly forces do not really like to manifest themselves in front of large crowds of people and there are times when they simply joke with you or treat you with open malice and begin to take revenge because you disturbed their peace. To avoid such unpleasant situations, you should be careful about the method of fortune telling that you have chosen and in no case violate the order of fortune telling. It is especially important to comply with all safety requirements if you are telling fortunes by candlelight and using a mirror, which is a guide to the other world and you should not joke here - because you do not know what you may encounter and who may appear in this mirror.
Before any fortune-telling, you should remove all jewelry, since jewelry can attract various small demons who really love the shine of metal. Let your hair down too, to surround yourself with your protective energy.

Before you start fortune-telling, you must clearly understand what you want to know, that is, formulate your question in such a way that there is nothing superfluous or distracting from the main and primary thing.

As a rule, the most correct and truthful fortune telling occurs at midnight, so you must prepare all the necessary tools and your question by this time. The location of the fortune telling does not matter, the main thing is that you are alone and not distracted by extraneous noise or bright light. For any fortune telling, it is better to use candles, either decorative or wax, church candles. Just in case (if you don’t tell fortunes with a bowl of water), place a vessel with sacred water near you, which will help you if you get scared or something scary appears. In this case, you should pour water on the floor around you and wash yourself with the remaining water from the vessel.

If you are not very confident in your abilities or are simply afraid, you should not tell fortunes with a mirror or perform rituals with spells. Use simple methods of fortune telling on wax, on water, using a ring, on egg yolk, on hair, and so on.

New Year's fortune telling by coin

This fortune telling is a whole magical ritual for which you need to properly prepare. For fortune telling purposes, you will need an old coin, preferably if you inherited it. In the absence of an old coin, you can use a regular one, just before fortune telling, charge it with your energy (to do this, carry the coin, for example, in your shirt pocket for 3-5 days). If you have the opportunity, then ask your loved one or loved one (who you are going to guess for) to hold the coin in their hands for 1-2 minutes. For this fortune telling, you must buy a round white porcelain dish and black ink. In addition to these items, you will need a small photograph of the person you are guessing about. If there is no photograph, then use his personal item, for example, a handkerchief, pen, watch, lighter. If there is neither one nor the other, then write his name and date of birth on a small piece of paper.

Fortune telling should only be done at midnight. If you remember all this, then you can safely proceed. Place the dish on a flat surface, such as a table or floor. Place a photograph (or a personal item, a piece of paper with a name) in the center of the dish. On the right side, write “I” in black ink. On the left side - “OH”. At the top is “WE”, and at the bottom is “SHE”. Now you can start the fortune telling itself. Take the coin in your right hand, place it in the center, holding the edges with your index finger and thumb, spin it and say the magic words: “From yourself to me, from her to me, from them to me, I - We, You and only – We.” Repeat these words 3 times, and starting from the word “I”, roll the coin so that it goes in a circle. If the coin stops immediately, without having time to go through the entire circle, this means that you are very dearly and devotedly loved. If the coin stops opposite the word “She”, you need to think about it. You have a serious rival, and perhaps your relationship will soon come to an end.

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Gypsy fortune telling with needles.
Fortune telling with needles is very simple. Twenty-one new needles are placed on a saucer or plate, and then water is slowly poured in. No matter how carefully you pour the water, you will find that the needles move. Gypsies say that the number of needles crossing each other indicates the number of enemies or forces acting against you in that month (lunar period). The needle can also be used as a pendulum. A red silk thread (about nine inches long) is threaded through it, the end of the thread with a needle hanging below is held, and questions are asked. The client is asked for a coin (a silver coin was traditional... but a quarter will do). It is placed on the table, and you sit down at the table, placing your elbow on it and holding the end in your hand so that the needle hangs directly above the coin. The client can ask as many questions as he/she wants, but they must be questions that can only be answered with “Yes” or “No.”

You should try to keep your hand completely still, but you will still find that when you concentrate on the question, the needle begins to wobble.

If it oscillates back and forth, moving towards you and away from you, it means “Yes.” If it oscillates laterally, it means “No.” If the needle simply turns in a circle, it means the question is unclear and needs to be rephrased. If it hangs without swinging, then the question cannot be answered now.

In conclusion of this section, we note that despite all the seeming naivety and vagueness of the predictions carried out using the above fortune-telling, the methodology of these fortune-telling is rooted in hoary antiquity. Hundreds of generations of our ancestors firmly believed in the correctness of the Sibylline prophecies. And highlighting the most ancient methods of fortune-telling from the general series has the purpose of explaining to the reader how far forward the science (we are not afraid to call it that) of predicting the future has stepped forward since then.

In this way we can get an idea of ​​how the most ancient fortune telling using runes took place. They still use runes to tell fortunes. Of course, you can tell fortunes simply by pulling runes out of the bag in any order, while asking a question that worries you. But still, the fortune-telling that is performed during the performance of a certain ritual will be much more effective and truthful. The ritual that must be performed before fortune-telling is known as Raed Waen, which literally means “to ride in a chariot.”

How is this ritual performed? First you need to carefully examine the room in which the fortune telling will take place. It is best to throw runes along the central axis of the room. The place where fortune telling will take place should be directed east during the day. and at night to the west, i.e. the fortuneteller must position himself in such a way that the runes are thrown perpendicular to the north, in which, according to the creators of the runic alphabet, the gods live. It was believed that throwing runes towards the gods was not very good,

Having positioned yourself on the axis of the room, you need to choose the position of the place for fortune telling. For this, a piece of white fabric was usually used, the length of which should be equal to the height of the fortuneteller with his arms outstretched, and the width equal to the distance between his arms outstretched to the sides. The fabric was laid along the axis so that the center of the fabric was located a third of the way along the axis.

The wall that is in front of the fortuneteller is called positive. and behind it is negative. If the ritual was performed outdoors, then the place for throwing the runes should be turned towards the sun. Now you can proceed directly to fortune telling. There are special ritual objects on the canvas: a pillow for a fortuneteller. which is placed against the negative wall.

A personal talisman is placed on the opposite part of the fabric. Symbols of the four elements are placed at the corners of the fabric. When everything is in place, the fortuneteller “charges” the runes, carrying each of them through each element in turn. Then the runes are thrown towards the positive wall. The most common method of fortune telling is when the fortune teller takes a handful of runes from a bag and throws them.

Rosary beads
Different religions have a tradition of praying on the rosary. The rosary is not just a symbol ()

Rosary beads
Different religions have a tradition of praying on the rosary. The rosary is not just a symbol of prayer, but also an excellent tool for concentration and reflection. A simple prayer, repeated a certain number of times, helps to calm down and tune in to a deeper understanding of various things: be it some seemingly insoluble situation, or Gospel stories. Through the tireless repetition of a prayer, we can “understand” the meaning or instruction hidden in it.
The rosary helps to count the required number of prayers.

THE MOST FAMOUS TAROT CARD SCHEDULES. The most famous Tarot divination technique since ancient times is the Celtic cross. ()

THE MOST FAMOUS TAROT CARD SCHEDULES. The most famous Tarot divination technique since ancient times is the Celtic cross.

For fortune telling, either the cards of the minor arcana or a full deck are taken. 10 cards are taken out, laid out in a certain way according to the scheme and the position of the cards (straight or inverted), their combination is looked at and interpreted in accordance with this. The traditional question for this scenario is whether the planned thing will work out or not, how things stand with a certain situation at the moment. This layout is considered complex and is recommended only for those with experience in layouts and interpretations.

The alchemist's layout is no less famous. In this case, fortune telling occurs on the entire deck. 6 cards are selected and laid out in a certain order. This fortune telling shows the past, present and future, and the future is interpreted in more detail - immediate, intermediate and distant. This layout is considered simple even for the most novice tarot readers.

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