Tarot reading partner layout. Fortune telling about partnerships

"Partner" layout

"Partner" layout usually used to show the questioner one of his acquaintances, to help clarify the essence of the attitude of the person of interest towards him + events of the near future associated with this person.

They are removed from the deck 5 cards. The meaning of card positions in the layout:
1 card(central) - the essence of the relationship between the questioner and the person he is interested in;
2 card(left) - the feelings that the person of interest has towards the questioner;
3 card(top) - thoughts of the person of interest, what he is thinking about;
4 card(on right) - what can happen between the questioner and the person he is interested in in the near future;
5 card(at the bottom) - result: what will it all lead to?.

But before moving directly to interactive fortune-telling, I strongly recommend that you carry out a preliminary verification to find out whether you can now lift the veil of the unknown, whether the fortune-telling will be correct.
The verification process is extremely simple: 10 cards will appear in front of you, which you will need to open one by one. If more than half of the cards will find themselves in the natural direct position - you can close the verification window and proceed to the selected fortune telling; if in upside down- fortune telling with Tarot cards is not recommended now; an erroneous answer may be received.
However, during the verification process, another situation may arise - the equal number of cards upright and upside down. This happens in the following cases:
1) most often the cards are “ostentatiously silent” in this way (they do not give the go-ahead for fortune-telling or refusal) when a person turns to fortune-telling by chance: out of boredom, for fun or out of curiosity (look at pictures of the deck, test different layouts, etc. .P.); when a question is born just for the sake of simply trying to tell fortunes, in fact there is no real need to get an answer to this question. In this case, you don’t even have to try to make a layout: virtual Tarot cards are not fun and not a subject for “testing”, except for contradictions (including repetitions of the same card in an upright and inverted position within the same layout) You are nothing else You won’t get it from such a “toy fortune-telling” (!);
2) if you do not have experience in “live” (not computer) fortune telling with Tarot cards, but you are trying to virtually use this particular type of fortune telling and are in a difficult situation, experiencing a real need to get clarification (answer), the fact that you during verification, an equal number of upright and inverted cards constantly appears, which can be an important signal - you cannot now guess with Tarot cards on your own; to correctly interpret your situation, you need the help of a professional fortuneteller.
note : Verification of fortune telling IS NOT the fortune telling itself, therefore, having opened all 10 cards, you can click on each of them again if you have doubts about the upright or inverted position of each card. After clicking on the card again, a window will open specifying the upright/inverted position of the card and its symbolic characteristics. But the characteristics of the cards in this case will not to have something to do with the issue you are interested in is just a test before starting real fortune-telling!

You can answer the question: what were your happiest years? For most of us, this childhood is a time when we don’t yet have to make decisions; when you can live according to the laws created by mom and dad, kindergarten and school; and when you are responsible only for yourself and, perhaps, for the puppy that you brought home secretly from your mother. What a pity that this blessed time is ending so soon. We are growing up. More and more often we are faced with the problem of choice, more and more often we have to make informed decisions.

Many psychologists advise solving important problems in the following way: go to bed and turn on the subconscious. But what to do when insomnia appears due to anxiety? European scientists from the University of Amsterdam also note that the brain works best in sleep, when the solution options are counted, and the answer is selected at all levels, including the subconscious. So, postpone the fortune-telling to another day, and now it’s better to go to bed. If you need to know the answer right now, but sleep is out of reach, try asking a tarot reader for advice.

Fortune telling is your chance to find out the right decision

In the process of making a final decision, you need to act gradually. So it is in fortune telling. If, after you have received extensive information from the layout, you are left at a loss. If the alignment does not bring you clarity and peace, you can perform fortune telling for the final decision. Layout gradually (card by card):

  • put the current situation into perspective;
  • will find out the reasons why you were faced with a choice.

The layout for the final decision is carried out as an additional, clarifying layout. By laying out cards, you are tempting fate, so you should not resort to fortune telling too often.

Fortune telling on mysterious Tarot cards through layouts solves complex issues. One of them is the choice of the final solution. Seven cards take part in the layout. The depicted stories on three Tarot cards will tell you what a person can do in a given situation. The next three cards will indicate the result that will be obtained from what the person did. The seventh (most important!) card will indicate the solution. It is considered a card of predictions and shows what is extremely difficult to avoid.

To start fortune telling select your card according to the table and click on the deck of cards at the bottom of the page. Think about who you are telling fortunes about. Hold down the deck until it feels like it's time to end the shuffle.

Fortune telling online for free Partner's attitude. This is a very easy fortune-telling, but not in terms of its implementation and interpretation, but in the very philosophy of this fortune-telling. It is carried out as if playfully and without tension, and everything is very simple and harmonious. This fortune-telling was very popular among young girls at Christmas time; it made it possible to find out what a loved one was doing at a given moment in time or how he related to the fortune-teller. Nowadays, the use of this fortune-telling has expanded significantly and with the help of it, not only older women, but also men can now tell fortunes. Naturally, the card form (questioned/fortune-told) must be chosen in accordance with the gender and age of the partner. On our website, a description of the correspondence between cards and types of people is given in the table below.

Fortune telling technique online for free

We will carry out fortune telling with playing cards, a deck consisting of 36 pieces, the cards should not be played, preferably, this deck should not be used for anything other than fortune telling. First, we must decide on a card that will symbolize our partner, we select it in accordance with the table below, remember this card, then we will look for it in the layout, please note, we do not remove it from the deck and do not carry out any manipulations with it. As usual, we tune in, retire and ask the cards to tell us the whole truth. We shuffle the deck well, move some of the cards towards us with our left hand and begin laying out the cards with pictures facing up with the words 1 card - On the road, 2 card - On the threshold, 3 card - At the table, 4 card - In bed, 5 card - Reading a book, 6 card - Remembers me, 7 card - My dear, 8 card - I love you, 9 card - There are better people than you. If the blank card does not fall out after the first layout, we repeat the layout until the blank card appears and the phrase on which it appears and will be the answer to the question of what your partner is doing at a given moment in time, or how he/she relates to you. To conduct fortune telling online for free on our website, click on the deck of cards located below on the page.

Select your partner's card according to the table.

Man by nature is a sociable creature and is not suited to living in a deserted space. There are few people who, being in a team, do not enter into partnerships. What is meant by the expression partnership? This includes friendship, relationships with employees, and, of course, relationships with the opposite sex. In human relationships there is love and affection, rudeness and tenderness, friendship and enmity. Is it possible to protect yourself from bitterness after a breakup? How to meet a friend and not be disappointed in him? How does a particular person treat me? How to penetrate into the human essence and find out these and other questions before bitter disappointment sets in, sometimes bordering on despair.

Are stable partnerships important to you?

If you are reading this article, it means that you have access to the Internet and the ability to make a Tarot reading for partnerships online. Tarot cards have the amazing ability to look into the distant past and see the equally distant future. They are able to assess the situation you are in now and give you the opportunity to evaluate it from the outside. When doing fortune-telling on partnerships, you should think about what kind of relationship you are interested in, otherwise an ambiguous interpretation of the cards may arise in the layout and the situation may be presented incorrectly.

You have a joint business and your previously excellent relationship with your partner has cooled somewhat. Thoughts are one worse than the other. You are ready to break off the relationship, but the company that you both own is holding on. There is no need to make hasty conclusions and be tormented by ridiculous assumptions; just tell fortunes about business relationships using Tarot cards, and everything will fall into place. The cards will not have a pointer to the right or left, however, they will indicate the path your relationship will take. The cards provide food for thought, and it’s up to you (and only you) to decide which hint to use so that the relationship between partners becomes stronger and more transparent.

Most often, Tarot cards answer the question of how he or she feels about me. Does our relationship have a future and what will it be like? You can make a Tarot reading for relationships when you have doubts about the person to whom you are ready to give your heart and hand. Because it’s not worth satisfying idle curiosity about every acquaintance. And the cards don’t like this, and it’s not good to bother them over trifles. Fortune telling on cards is serious work, and any work requires respect.