Damage to health - methods of removal and correction. How they cause severe damage to human health Damage or illness

Today I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you what the signs of damage to the disease may be, and how you can get rid of it yourself. Weakness, poor health, sudden deterioration in health, mild illness gradually turning into chronic, etc. In other words, all symptoms will be associated with a deterioration in the physical condition of the cursed patient. Mental health may also suffer, depending on what kind of disease was damaged by the person.

In addition, the consequences of damage to health can be a series of troubles in other areas of life, and most often this is connected with money - losses, thefts, unsuccessful investments or unexpected expenses. The desire to get rid of negativity is natural; Let's talk today about methods of independent effective cleaning, about how you can remove damage to health at home, and what needs to be done after completing the cleaning complex.

Black damage to health - how negative witchcraft affects life and how to fix it

Dwell in detail on the question of how find out who caused damage to the disease, I won’t do magician Sergei Artgrom, because I’ve already talked about this more than once. There are witchcraft rituals that force the enchanting enemy to appear, or to manifest himself in some accessible way. There are, after all, predictive systems, I am a magician Sergei Artgrom, I mean Tarot cards and Runes, diagnostic wax casting techniques, as well as ways to find out information of interest through dreams.

Any of these predictive techniques gives a person the opportunity to identify with a high degree of probability a magical negative, its type and character, i.e. identify damage to health, if this is exactly what was done. Some people who come to me complain about an exacerbation of the disease after the damage is removed, or directly during treatment. Such an effect as malaise, sudden weakness, sharp pain, etc., does not appear in everyone, but quite often, and may indicate the successful launch of the processes of getting rid of damage occurring in the patient’s body.

The factor of the chosen method of cleansing a person from negativity also plays a role. Lead castings, wax castings, fire annealings, hard castings very often work precisely through exacerbating the condition of the victim of damage to illness. Many people get scared and do not complete the complex, or cancel the runic cleansing. And in vain. An unfinished process loses all meaning. If you decide to get rid of black damage to your health, you need to go to the end. Even through doubt, and yes, even through pain.

By the way, malaise, discomfort, illness after the removal of damage, or directly during treatment, lasts 2-3 days. In particularly difficult cases, no more than 5 days. Then comes:
  • improvement of the patient's condition,
  • burst of strength,
  • positive changes in business,
  • joyful thoughts come

If you are so afraid of feeling unwell during cleansing, set yourself healing runes, this will ease your condition and patch up holes in the energy field. There are other methods, so-called soft cleansing. Aggravation can be avoided, for example, by working through shifting the negative. But, you need to understand that the transfer of damage can work unpredictably; in general, the effects can be quite unexpected.

And, besides, not everyone’s translation of the negative will work. That is, it happens that cleaning does not start at all, and the damage remains in its place. Sometimes the chosen ritual is not suitable, sometimes there is not enough strength to start the cleansing. And sometimes unprofessionalism and mistakes in an independent ritual give an undesirable result - absence as such, or side effects in the form of a strong but short-term illness after the damage is removed. In general, ambiguous issues need to be clarified diagnostically on a case-by-case basis.

Remove damage to health at home - remove the negative from the photo

In general, you understand how to find out if there is damage to you or one of your loved ones, and perhaps you have already mastered diagnostic methods yourself; We also remember that information can be provided by sure signs of damage to human health. So, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, advise you to be more attentive to yourself and take care of yourself.

If you often get sick from the evil eye, do not tolerate such inconveniences, but immediately, at the first sign of negative manifestations on a person, remove it. Try to remove the evil eye or damage from a photograph with such a demonic reprimand. The independent ritual is simple and effective. You can use it for yourself, as well as for another person, if you already have experience and consider yourself a practicing magician. Everything you need to have in order to independently remove damage to your health:

  1. patient's photo (or your photo)
  2. wax candle in a candlestick

It not only removes strong evil eyes, induced illnesses and failures in business, it also removes everything related to love witchcraft -

  • drinking chambers,
  • hassle,
  • love spells,
  • spells,
  • quarrels,
  • cool down.

Place the photo on the table, place a candle in a candlestick in the photo. Light a candle, and until it burns out completely, read an independent conspiracy to remove damage to illness:

“The field is distant, the fog is black, the river is fast, the pool is deadly. Yes, through that field, and that black fog, and through the fast river, and from the whirlpool of death in secret ways, along unknown paths, knowing secrets, predicting death and life, resurrecting with a glance and killing with a word, a black-bearded man, girded, then a shepherd of human souls. That is the King of hidden mysteries. His names cannot be counted, cannot be counted, his foggy face cannot be remembered, his face cannot be conveyed in words. To that black-bearded husband I bow (bow), and I whisper my request not into his ear, but directly into his deep heart. Blame you, every destroyer, destroyer, witcher's words breaker, mortal affairs, love, troublesome finisher. So by the power that was given from the beginning, you take off the blasphemy from (name), take off from (name) the dead man's drink, the living blood drink, take off from him the grave deed, the dead ransom, take off from him the whisper of the sorcerer, the words of the witch, take away the craving for a woman's body that she tempted me into adultery. Take away the craving for featherbeds, other people's mansions, and let him no longer walk the wrong paths, let him drive the blasphemy away from his body, let him hurt, let the chapel bounce back to the one who did it. You can do it, and more. This is my request. This is your performance. Cleanse (name) from filth, you are such a strong black-bearded man. Amen".

The payoff here can be standard - coins at the crossroads with the words - paid, or a conspiracy during a ransom. You can take what you usually give to your assistants, or what they ask for (if asked). The advice is this: if you don’t know how to thank the demons or are in doubt, pay the standard ransom.

If there are severe symptoms of damage to a person’s health, and if the presence of negative energy in the aura is confirmed, try casting the damage with lead. A good ritual for removing energy damage from a person. If there are envious people around you, and you are constantly sick from the evil eye on your health, try using this witchcraft ritual. You need to work with metal very carefully so as not to harm yourself.

Removing health damage at home - do-it-yourself lead casting

It is definitely pointless to get sick from the evil eye on your health or suffer from damage caused by a permanent illness, and do nothing to help yourself. The same can be said about your loved ones. Many health problems can be solved magically. If only because diseases often come through witchcraft.

An independent cleansing ritual using the method of casting lead is done with the involvement of the Forces of the Christian egregor. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will now describe how to remove lead damage to another person.

To independently remove damage to a severe illness, take:

  1. small piece of lead
  2. container for melt water with a volume of approximately 300-400 ml
  3. vegetable oil
  4. 50 g dry field wormwood
  5. 3 candles from the church
  6. frying pan
  7. a little table salt (coarse)
  8. loaf of bread

Patient - Place the patient on a chair. He dips the ring and middle fingers of both hands into the melt water. With a lit candle the magician reads the prayer - Our Father, then crosses himself three times. He puts the frying pan on the fire and throws in a pinch of dry wormwood. When the grass turns into coals, lead is placed in the frying pan. While the metal is melting, the patient removes his hands from the water, then dips the middle finger of his left hand into a glass of vegetable oil. Drop 6 drops of oil into water. With this finger he draws a cross on the palm of his right hand. The magician stands behind the patient. She places her left hand on the back of his head. In his right hand the magician holds a burning candle, and reads the Lord's Prayer. At this stage, the patient may experience tinnitus or fatigue, and the patient will begin to yawn heavily.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

Next, follow the ritual of cleaning with lead, so that remove health damage yourself, the sorcerer reads an appeal to the egregor in order to ask for help. It is very difficult to pull off such rituals using your own energy (later it will be hard for you). The appeal can be in the form of any conspiracy or prayer. For example, like this:

“Most Holy Theotokos, God’s helper, lead with my hand. It is not I who heal the servant of God (name), the Most Holy Theotokos heals. I don’t pour it out, the Mother of God herself leads with my hand. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

“It’s not I who baptize you, God himself lays the cross. It’s not me who will help you, the Lord helps you. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. To the will of the Creator. Amen".

The specificity of lead is its rapid hardening. Advice: shift the main part of the work of reading information to the water. In conspiracies, mention both lead and water. The ritual of independently removing damage to a disease is not much different from working with wax. When casting, use a prayer or spell that suits the situation. For example, like this:

“It’s not me who calls, it’s not me who calls out, it’s not me who reprimands. The Most Holy Theotokos evokes, calls out, reprimands, with Her lips, with Her fingers, with Her holy spirit, from the servant of God (name) damage and cramps, the evil eye, fear from the violent head, from the heart of red, from the sides, from the chest, from the cartilage of the wind, the horse, superficial, cross, eye, forest, hourly, half-hourly, minute, half-minute, from yellow bones, from white body, from red blood. According to my time, according to my reprimand. Amen".

When casting, in order to get rid of black damage to health, the patient holds a container of water in his left hand, while clenching his right hand into a fist. Lead should be poured into water carefully, not too quickly, but not too slowly. After the lead has been poured, prayers of thanks must be read, closing the connection to the egregor. It's time to start casting. It is important to give the correct interpretation to the forms and symbols seen.

Then put the lead in a frying pan, add dry wormwood. While the lead is melting, hold a piece of bread over the pan. Negative programs will go into it. Bread should be fed to any animal. My opinion, the magician Sergei Artgrom: you shouldn’t put the blame on the poor animal. I am not at all a supporter of such translations. It is quite possible to throw bread on water or give it to holy fire.

Do not extinguish the candles; they must burn out completely. Pour salt into the water, then pour the water into the street, but some are poured into the sewer. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, believe that this is unacceptable. You cannot leave a negative program in the house. If the disease caused damage, lead casting is well suited for removing a destructive program.

Independently remove damage to illness - tin casting

In some cases, mental and physical illness in a person is caused by inhabited entities. To remove damage to a disease by casting yourself, you need a ritual knife. In addition to the knife, you will need:

  • tin
  • tin melting container
  • bowl of water

“You are evil, you are water or wind or vortex, thought and fortune-telling, sent and found, local or distant, from this hour, from this minute, from this second you will leave the body (name).”

Set the tin to melt. During the melting process, touch it with a knife and read the spell 3 times to clear damage to health:

“You are evil, you are water or wind or vortex, sent and found, local or distant, from this hour, from this minute, from this second, you will leave the body (name).”

Pour water into a bowl and move the knife counterclockwise, scratching along the bottom of the bowl, while reading the spell 3 times:

“You are evil, you are water or wind or vortex, thought and fortune-telling, sent and found, local or distant, from this hour, from this minute, from this second, you will leave the body (name).”

Then sprinkle this water on the person you are taking a leak from, from whom at home you remove damage to your health, and say the text of the plot 3 more times:

Make a casting from one piece of metal once. Under no circumstances should waste metal be re-melted. Look carefully and interpret what comes out. Wrap the cooled casting in paper or a piece of cloth and bury it away from the house, where no one walks (although there may be other options...).

By strong cleaning of lead, remove damage to health - give your illness to the dead

Magical cleansing, like most black cleansings, is done on the waning moon. If necessary, it can be done on any day of the lunar month, but preferably on the waning day.
To independently remove health damage, you will need the following items and materials:

  • basin with sand
  • piece of lead
  • metal melting ladle

Make a hole in the sand the size of the volume of prepared lead. Melt lead in a ladle. The ritual is performed with the window open. The person you are helping to get rid of black health damage should stand with his legs straight and wider than his shoulders apart. A basin of sand is placed between his legs. Pour melted lead into a hole in the sand. Do this from the back, opposite the patient’s tailbone. While pouring, read the words of the cleansing spell once in total:

“Dead man, take my damage, drag it to the grave, I’m paying you for that. Let it be so".

The payment at the grave is to leave an open bottle of vodka and a handful of coins (yellow). This ritual is good to use as the completion of a complex of witchcraft cleansings, so that get rid of black damage to health, when it has already been cast on wax, and this technique is used to polish and fix the result.

Severe damage to the disease can destroy not only a person’s health, but also destroy his entire life. After the victim identifies the evil eye, she will need a prayer against the evil eye of damage and disease, as well as a special ritual. It is more difficult to damage a disease, because such strong spells need to be fueled by hatred and strong anger.

Damage to a disease or removal of a curse should be done carefully so as not to harm the energy of the entire family. Salvation from damage to illness can be found in the special words of the spell cast on the waning moon. How to cast the evil eye and get rid of it?

How does the evil eye work to deteriorate health?

How to spoil a serious illness yourself? A question asked by people who are offended by life or rejected by other people. Damage is a kind of revenge for which all participants in a secret magical action, both the customer and the victim, and sometimes the intermediary, have to pay. Poor health at the energetic level is a violation of the natural biofield.

Targeted influence at home is not complete without magical attributes. Thanks to things that are insignificant in everyday life, a person cannot get rid of damage on his own; it constantly works through properly charged objects. Beginners who have not previously resorted to magic can cause damage. Healing will occur without further complications if you determine the cause of ongoing health problems rather than treating individual symptoms.

Signs of the evil eye

Obvious signs of damage appear in the first days after the damage has been achieved. Women's and men's bodies react to the curse differently, so the manifestation of the evil eye may differ in time and acute symptoms. To establish the correct diagnosis, a person should perform small rituals - diagnosing damage at home.

It is very difficult to get rid of witchcraft without understanding what kind of damage the victim has encountered. To diagnose a working or living space, you will need an ordinary church candle. Traces of witchcraft are easy to find if you walk around the entire house with a lit candle. There is negativity in places where the candle begins to smoke.

Rules for the ritual

Both experienced magicians and beginners can use magic for revenge. To restore justice, health is damaged so that the enemy can no longer enjoy life. It is not always possible to get rid of witchcraft fueled by strong hatred. To cause damage, you should take into account several important rules regarding the future ritual:

  • rituals are carried out only on days when the moon wanes (the celestial body enhances the spell);
  • You can damage your health from a distance, but the magical effect will be stronger if the conspirator uses the victim’s item (hair, clothes or photo);
  • you cannot cast a curse in the presence of witnesses or assistants;
  • before and after the ceremony, the conspirator needs to protect himself (visit the church and install strong runic protection in his own home).

Words of prayer will allow you to protect yourself from the consequences of damage that do not appear immediately. If a person decides to cast the evil eye, he must be prepared for any complications of his own actions.

How to damage without consequences

The conspirator who induces the disease must know all the risks associated with the ritual. Prayers alone will not help the conspirator. First of all, a person cleanses his own energy. If the ritual is being performed for the first time, you should be careful that mistakes during the ritual do not turn against the beginner.

Prayers are said early in the morning before the sun rises. The conspirator goes out into the open and reads prayers to the Holy Mother of God. If you want to call illness on another person, you should put protection for your own biofield. If the victim performs a lapel ritual, such protection (amulets, dolls, amulets) will prevent the curse from entering the conspirator’s house.

Lining for poor health

Illness is a long-term impact on a person’s energy, which weakens any defense. The disease is a consequence, but the cause itself cannot be treated with medications alone. Damage through the lining (charmed by the Koran, suras and duas) lasts for more than one week, destroying the health of the victim. It is rarely possible to remove such an influence, because until a lining is found, any protective and lapel conspiracies are a waste of time.

If a person himself comes to the conclusion “I often get sick for no reason - I’ve been jinxed” and notices how often he feels bad, then he realizes the work of the curse. This happens very rarely and the lining affects the victim’s biofield for years. Even Orthodox people believe in the power of the lining (a small parcel with enchanted attributes). Magic through a thrown package is always very strong.

Preparation for the ceremony

Black magic works on everyone, even strong personalities. Damage to a severe illness through the lining is purposefully caused without the ability to remove the dangerous spell. For enemies, this type of damage is the best option, which works in the long term. There will be no salvation for either adults or children from illness after this kind of damage is removed.

Making a lining is not difficult, because any attributes can cause damage in a matter of days:

  • rusty needle;
  • a piece of ordinary fabric;
  • the victim's hair or nails (if there are no such attributes, you can take a photo or thing belonging to the victim).

Depending on the selected attributes, the duration of the illness after the damage is removed can vary from a month to several years. Magic to make enemies unhappy and weak spares no one. The lining works until it is found and destroyed.

The consequences of the evil eye, which was created through the lining, depend on the weak points in the human biofield. If enemies have a weak heart, damage is caused to the cardiovascular system, resulting in stroke and heart attack. For people with weak psyches, the evil eye results in schizophrenia or hysteria. For enemies, it is difficult to determine damage through the lining.

How to strengthen damage to health

Making a lining on any day is ineffective. It is better to guess over time when the Moon will wan. For enemies, a lining charged for the waning month will be a death sentence. Damage is caused in several successive stages:

  1. First, you should go to the cemetery and find the grave of a person with the name of the victim. The found tombstone and grave will become the location for the main part of the ritual.
  2. For lining they use old needles, unnecessary and rusty. At the cemetery, needles are stuck into dead soil. The needles are charged throughout the cycle from the waning Moon to the New Moon.
  3. After this, the needles are taken home. You need to read spells on attributes (read from memory, not read from a piece of paper) in order to damage them:

“Now you are not yourself, you are now in trouble. The servant of God can no longer live in peace, no longer roam the earth. He has a hundred troubles in one answer. Let it be so".

"Seal. Lock. You can’t let go of trouble, you can’t hide from it. I seal it forever, I curse the enemy.”

To induce illness, so that the husband’s mistress or enemy gets sick, one should put a lining in the victim’s house. They do it unnoticed. No one will find the treasure in a secluded place and will not cancel the work of the curse on health.

How to get rid of damage

A ritual to remove damage can help even in the most severe cases. If the patient can no longer withstand pain or endure constant bouts of fear (the main signs of a negative program induced on health), he needs to perform the opposite ritual. Only magic can destroy other magic.

You can remove a heavy evil eye from a photo or a lining on any day of the month, if you wait for the right moment, you have neither the energy nor the time. Constant illnesses day after day destroy the body's defense mechanisms, and over time a person cannot even take care of himself. For protracted illnesses, one of the simple but effective rituals is performed with water, salt, or a photo of the victim (performed at a distance).

Spell to remove damage with salt

Salt, which stores the necessary energy for a long time, will help to remove damage to health. Conspiracies are read under the waning moon and late at night. Proper care of your own body and soul will help you break the evil spell and get rid of trouble. The disease should be destroyed carefully so as not to further harm the patient.

It would be useful to read prayers addressed to the Mother of God or the saint whose name the victim bears. If it was not possible to remove the damage in one go, the next ritual is carried out a week later. A universal conspiracy can be read from a distance if the damage is directed at a relative or loved one.

Preparation for the ceremony

To remove the evil eye you will need a set of simple attributes. First of all, a person charges all things for the ritual with the prayer “Our Father”. Help from higher powers will not hurt. To carry out the lapel ritual you will need:

  • an ordinary vessel (glass or bowl);
  • a handful of salt;
  • wood ash;
  • Holy water.

The spell that is read on wood ash is not pronounced in daylight. To perform the ritual you need to wait until sunset. For lapel spells, a glass of red wine is useful, but if the ceremony is carried out urgently, this attribute can be abandoned. At a distance, the ritual works through a photo of the victim.

Conspiracy text

To remove the evil eye, you will need to visit the church and bring holy water. Ordinary church candles will come in handy in the lapel ritual. On women's days or at any position of the Moon, you should face the west. The conspirator places candles and a glass of water and wine in front of him. Add a few pinches of salt and ash to a glass of water.

To heal a loved one from the evil eye, who is far away, you need to put a photo of the victim next to the glass. The words of the spell are pronounced on the liquid:

“Salty salt, bitter ash and wine that deprives one of reason. I salt it with salt, I salt it, I salt it out. I incinerate evil spirits with ashes. I deprive the demons of their minds with wine. Our house is too tough for trouble. You, anger and trouble, go away and don’t touch me again. No one can talk over my words, change them, revise them, or overcome them. Amen".

After the ceremony, you need to wash your face with water and wash down any food with wine against the evil eye. After these actions, you cannot wash your face for another hour.

Spell to remove the evil eye with water

Water brought from the temple will serve as the best conductor for removing damage from a person. The victim in any condition will be able to perform a secret cleansing ritual. All you need to drive away the disease is to stock up on church candles and water. It is better to charge water with prayer during a church service.

After the ritual, you need to wait for dawn and bow to all 4 cardinal directions. Imagine how the disease leaves the body. How evil and negativity leave a person’s home, freeing him from the burden of corruption. The inner mood is important for the quick work of the lapel spell.

The human body is a complex mechanism. It works like a watch, and allows people to function. Like a watch, it needs to be wound up - to sleep. But what happens to the watch when it breaks? They simply throw them away and buy new ones. Likewise, a person is capable of breaking down at any moment - getting sick.

Sometimes, in order for people to start getting sick, it is enough to “cross the path” of a witch or witcher, someone who is able to act in magical ways - to cause damage. If this happens, then it is impossible to cure unless you do the opposite and get rid of the negative impact. How to remove damage to health, what are the types and signs? Let's discuss.

The mechanism of damage

Before talking about how to get rid of damage to health, you should understand its mechanism. A certain set of words, often using various rituals and ceremonies, is called damage. Depending on what the person inflicting such a curse wants, the person will feel either bad, terrible, or die, but slowly. Almost anyone with strong energy can spoil their health. Therefore, before arguing with someone, it is better to think three hundred times about your health and future.

You don't have to be a practitioner of black magic. It is enough to accumulate too much negative energy in yourself and direct it towards the offender. Naturally, carrying out a ritual associated with attracting black magic. Such a blow hits the biofield specifically. One or more holes appear, which means the program crashes. Some kind of breakdown of the mechanism occurs. If problems and disruptions in the functioning of the body are not noticed in a timely manner, such damage will lead to death.

You must understand that damage to death and health are two different types. The latter type is characterized by long-term illness, suffering, and often a lack of understanding among specialists about what is happening to the patient. He simply melts before our eyes, complains of severe pain, but no disease can be detected. Here you will need treatment using magic, only white.

Having noticed the symptoms of damage to health, even an ignorant person who has no practice in the field of magical art is able to help himself. Or find a specialist. But this is if you are unsure of your abilities. Most try to turn to the witch.

All about the types of damage to health

Black practitioners know many techniques and ways to torture a person using damage. The only difference between them is that they go in a specific direction:

  • In general health, but without fatal outcome;
  • Fully healthy, but already with death;
  • To a specific organ;
  • In appearance.

All types are divided into two categories: organic and inorganic. Let's get to know them better.


Organic damage to health has the following signs: destruction of the immune system, diseases that cannot be treated. A program for destruction using microorganisms is launched. These diseases include cancer, pneumonia and tuberculosis. The occurrence of diseases of the cardiovascular system or joints is possible.

The magician's goal is to harm as much as possible and reduce the defense. Having such damage causes long-term torment. Corrupted becomes a plant. His soul is in his body, but he cannot be called alive. Any infection deals a powerful blow to the body.

Rituals with organic matter can be performed regularly or just once, but so that the duration of the torment drags on for years. With constant exposure, the magician makes sure that there are many diseases and follow one after another. The corrupted one will not be able to recover. Each time the destruction of the body and body is becoming more difficult to stop. The patient will have less and less faith in the power of doctors.

Inorganic damage

This type is designed to bring the offender to nervous breakdowns and mental disorders. Physically he will not suffer at all. But there is no protection, energy flows through many holes in the biofield. These are called blessed. People with such damage forget about what they did, when they did it, what they did.

If, in addition to everything else, they begin to abuse alcohol, then you can expect many incomprehensible and unpleasant things from such people. What’s most offensive is that the spoiled person will not even remember what he did and what he said. Every day his frustrations increase. He is able to see dead people, strange creatures and talk to them. Very soon they become patients in a mental hospital or in psychoneurology.

How to find out that damage has been caused?

If there is damage to health, then how to find out about its presence? There is a list of signs by which one can not only identify a magical effect, but also classify the type:

  1. The first sign will be constant malaise. Moreover, without any obvious reasons. It’s hard to fall asleep and get up in the morning exhausted and sleepy. It is impossible to determine where it hurts, but there is aches in the body;
  2. It always seems like someone is calling you by name, but when you turn around, you can’t see anyone. Even while in an apartment, you can notice shadows or strange movements of an entity;
  3. A person loses weight sharply. His appearance changes. Acquaintances cannot recognize due to changes in facial features, figure and gait;
  4. Nervousness, desire to make trouble and fight. It doesn't matter for what reason. Just the need to beat someone else up. The hands clench themselves, and the brain turns off completely;
  5. I have nightmares. They may include people who are already dead, calling, driving or trying to physically harm. Or you dream of creatures of disgusting appearance;
  6. Pale skin, blueness around the mouth. Sunken eyes, dark circles under the eyes;
  7. Frequent brain shutdown and the appearance of midges before the eyes;
  8. Depressive state, reluctance to live, eat, work.

Damage to women's health differs from the general mass. Works here a completely different mechanism. The magician's goal is to harm not only the body, but also the appearance. The genitourinary organs are most often affected. In women who have been given this form, their reproductive system suffers, plus hormonal failure.

At first, this manifests itself only in the form of inflammatory processes in the ovaries. Further growths on them. They cannot be removed with medication, and operations have to be performed. Usually, a spoiled female person undergoes up to 3 such surgical interventions. After which, sooner or later, a cancerous tumor appears, which eats up the body to the end.

Due to hormonal imbalance, hair and body deteriorate. Either severe weight loss or a sharp increase in body weight is possible.

How to determine inorganic damage to health? Everything is simple here. Such a person can be seen from afar. He's clearly not himself. The most common diagnosis is schizophrenia. It begins gradually, but intensifies every month. Medicines only help for a certain period of time. It is possible that several years. But sooner or later the corrupted one becomes aggressive. Capable of harming both yourself and others.

Let's remove the damage

In case of inorganic damage, it is better to seek a specialist. Moreover, a very powerful possessor of strength and knowledge. Such damage was clearly caused by a professional practitioner. It’s rare to be able to remove it yourself.

If there is damage to your health, the signs are all obvious and you know how to remove it, then it is quite possible to carry out one of the proposed rituals yourself. Improvement occurs already on the first day. It may be insignificant, but by the end of all the days of reading, the spoiled one turns back into a healthy and prosperous one.

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Damage is a magical intervention in a person’s life that can destroy health and career. The most effective and widespread type of conspiracies is considered to be damage done to health. In this case, the victim does not die immediately; it is characterized by prolonged physical torment. There are a number of options on how to remove damage to health. But first you need to figure out what kind of health damage was done.

Types of health curses

Using various attributes, incantations, spells, sorcerers direct negative energy to a person for different effects. Therefore, there are several types of curses associated with deteriorating health:

Due to the direction of action:

  • the impact occurs on the entire human body, several organs and the immune system as a whole are affected;
  • Only a separate organ of the body or some system can be influenced. In this case, the spell can be aimed at a specific area or the choice is arbitrary.

Depending on the nature of the curse:

  • physical or organic. The human body suffers, causing physical pain. Infections with various viruses, bacteria and microbes are possible;
  • psychic or inorganic. In this case, the person's mental health is affected. Thus, they can deprive one of one's sanity.

According to duration there are:

  • one-time - a single impact on the victim, the consequences of which last for some time;
  • reusable - the impact occurs in several stages, each time leading to the emergence of new diseases.

Signs of damage to health and how to remove it

Signs of damage to health almost immediately reveal the fact that a curse has been sent. But many do not attach special importance to such symptoms. There are the following symptoms of health damage:

  • the disease appears very unexpectedly and affects the victim very quickly;
  • the presence of chronic diseases that did not exist before;
  • active progression of the disease;
  • traditional medicine is not able to cope with the disease;
  • During the examination, doctors do not find any health problems, but the patient’s state of health is alarming;
  • the occurrence of two or more serious diseases overnight;
  • accompanied by an increasingly bad and pessimistic mood;
  • weight fluctuations;
  • depression, indifference to life;
  • the presence of pupils of different sizes;
  • sexual dysfunction;
  • infertility, although the partners are absolutely healthy;
  • increased aggressiveness for no particular reason;
  • feeling unwell in the temple, which can lead to loss of consciousness;
  • bad sleep, unpleasant dreams.

If there are several items from this list, you should not panic, but should carefully listen to your condition. Perhaps this is just a difficult period in life. If damage to human health is confirmed , you must not hesitate and seek help.

To get rid of health damage, you can use some methods available at home. You also need to be confident in your abilities, because fighting black magic requires a lot of energy. For believers, it is recommended to read the prayer against damage to health:

Master Almighty, Holy King, punish and do not die, strengthen those who fall, raise up the overthrown, correcting bodily sorrows of people and, we pray to You, our God, visit Your weak servant (name), with Your mercy, forgive him every sin, voluntary and involuntary. Hey, Lord, send down Your healing power from heaven, touch the body, extinguish the fire, tame passion and all lurking weakness, be the doctor of Your servant (name), raise him from the sick bed, and from the bed of bitterness, whole and all-perfect, grant him She pleases Your Church and does Your will, for it is Yours to have mercy and save us, our God, and we send glory to You. To the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages, Amen.

You can carefully copy it onto a blank sheet of paper “ The Descent of John the Baptist into Hell" There should be no errors or omissions. Such a letter is wrapped and placed in a pocket on the chest. The text should be worn for 1.5 months. After this period, the leaf is burned, and the ashes are poured into a glass of water and drunk.

A salt ritual is considered a faster way to remove damage to health. The ritual is performed between the 12th and 15th lunar day on Saturday, Wednesday or Friday. You should start after sunset. Wine is poured into the prepared container, ash and salt are added there and everything is heated. In this case, you need to stand with your back to the east. The liquid is placed on the floor and a candle is lit next to it. Then they quietly say the following words:

Salty salt, bitter ash and wine that deprives one of reason. I salt it with salt, I salt it, I salt it out. I incinerate evil spirits with ashes. I deprive the demons of their minds with wine. Whoever washes himself with water will get rid of all illnesses, ailments, fears and nightmares, and all illnesses caused, caused, spoken, and observed will go away. No one can talk over my words, change them, revise them, or overcome them. Amen.

After the words, you need to put out the candle, pour the wine through the window and take a bath in a cool shower.

In addition to special rituals, you should perform simple actions daily:

  • use holy water to wash your face in the morning;
  • read “” three times a day and drink a glass of consecrated liquid before this;
  • when lifting a curse in winter, you need to swim in an ice hole for Epiphany and stand in the church for the service.

Damage to health: how to find out and what the consequences will be

In order to make sure that there is damage, you can perform the following actions. To do this, you need to stand before the face of the Mother of God at midnight, light three wax candles and read the prayer 3 times:

Mother of God Virgin Mary, filled with the grace of God, rejoice! The Lord is with You; Blessed are You among women and blessed is the fruit born of You, because You gave birth to the Savior of our souls.

When candles begin to crackle, smoke, and the flames sway wildly, this means that a negative effect is present.

You should also pay attention to the behavior of animals in the house. Cats are especially sensitive to bad energy. They will avoid humans, not be picked up, scratch and hiss. If there is no cat in the house, you can borrow it from loved ones for a few days. And when she gets used to it, try to play with her. Her behavior will tell everything.

Damage to health has consequences not only for the victim, but also for the customer. In this case, the strength of the consequences can be equal for both parties. To avoid negative influence in any case, you need to seek help from an experienced magician or sorcerer. Only he knows for sure how to properly deal with damage or a curse.

You can maintain your health and protect yourself from damage if you try not to visit crowded places. Individuals who may carry negative energy and influence should be avoided. After an unpleasant interaction, you can take a shower, washing off all the negativity with water. You need to regularly wear a pectoral cross and know a few prayers in order to turn to the Lord for help in a suspicious situation. It is also recommended to keep photographs of deceased loved ones away.

Damage to health is a powerful magical effect. But it is also easy to overcome with faith in a Higher Power. Before making such an impact, you need to remember the consequences that will certainly make themselves felt, perhaps in future generations.

The Lord is always with you!

Have you ever encountered such a definition as damage to health: were you yourself a victim of negative influences or tried to ruin the life of the offender with a black ritual, or maybe someone close to you needs help in removing damage, and you are looking for a way to quickly and painlessly heal a loved one? Then figure out how the evil gets into the body, find out its signs and learn how to get rid of it, as well as protect yourself from extraneous energy influences.

Now it is important to understand what may alert you when determining damage to a disease, because, in addition to innate intuition and the feeling that something is wrong with the body, certain symptoms that are repeated over a long time will help you recognize the negative, namely:

  • obvious deterioration in health;
  • conflicting test results;
  • doctors' futile attempts to determine a diagnosis;
  • health status remaining unchanged after taking prescribed medications;
  • formation of ulcers and growths on the body;
  • long healing of accidental scratches and minor injuries;
  • decreased vision, tearing;
  • tooth decay, putrid breath;
  • weight loss or sudden fluctuation without dieting;
  • menstrual irregularities in women;
  • sexual impotence in men;
  • rapid loss of body hair or excessive growth;
  • insomnia or nightmares;
  • complaints from relatives about your teeth grinding at night;
  • the appearance of ailments inappropriate for age - sclerosis, rheumatism;
  • feeling of suffocation, pressure on the chest at night;
  • the appearance of suspicious tumors;
  • hallucinations and periodic attacks of fear;
  • avoidance of mirrors, aversion to one’s own reflection;
  • feverish shine of the eyes, yellowness of the pupils;
  • constant feeling as if someone is looking at you;
  • persecution of consciousness by otherworldly sounds, voices;
  • an irresistible urge to smoke or drink alcohol.

If you have more than half of the listed conditions, try as soon as possible to find a clairvoyant or sorcerer who will accurately indicate whether there is an evil eye or damage to your health - believe me, they definitely understand better than you.

How to spoil illness and death

The destruction that is inflicted with the goal of destroying an adversary, competitor or enemy is never accidental. This influence is conscious and purposeful, and the performer is aware of exactly what consequences it may entail. However, not all customers or independent, as is often the case, performers of black rituals are aware that magical actions aimed at others can turn evil against themselves.

Signs of damage to health can appear both immediately after the ritual and after a time determined by the aggressor, depending on the chosen method of influence.

The most popular method of harmful influence is damage to the lining, when specially charmed objects are thrown into the house, under the threshold, into the garden or into the workplace of a potential victim.

Another type of witchcraft harm to health is, which involves performing a ritual in a graveyard and using special attributes of black magic, as well as sacrifices.

This type of influence is undertaken only by very strong magicians who know how to lead the world of the dead, but they also understand the full risk of such sacraments and carry them out only in the most extreme cases, for example, to reverse a family curse or stop the influence of dark forces carried out on the orders of another powerful warlock .

There are other methods of transferring negative energy messages: for example, damage using knots on a woolen thread (causes the appearance of warts and growths on the victim’s body), damage by the wind (causes weakness in the body and the occurrence of infectious diseases). Such harm is short-term and is used when a competitor needs to be eliminated, knocked out of the game for some time. But this does not mean that its consequences may be less dangerous, especially if the ritual is performed by an amateur, a novice in magic.

Love spells, love spells, spells and chills are also a type of damage that worsens well-being. Although the purpose of their implementation is different, the by-product will always affect the health of the victim of love magic.

To avoid receiving such a gift as damage to deteriorating health, try not to take it with your bare hands when you find a foreign object at the threshold or on the territory of your abode. Use gloves or a rag to pick up the find and take it away from the house. Burn the lining, making sure that the wind blowing the ashes is not directed towards you and your home.

How to remove damage to illness

If there is no room for doubt that you have been subjected to harmful influence - all the symptoms coincide and a specialist in occult sciences confirms the presence of damage, try to pull yourself together, pacify your emotions and try to cleanse the aura yourself. Any of the methods outlined below will do.

Moving damage to a vase

For this simple ritual you will need a single photograph of a person suffering from an unknown illness, a crystal (or glass) vase, and blessed water. The sacrament is carried out, depending on the strength of the damage, either in a schedule of three by three (you do three days, three breaks, and so on three times), or seven by seven (you do a week, a week is a break, and so on seven times). Choose a photo from which the paint will not peel off under the influence of moisture. Wash the vase and pour water, saying:

Cleanse, wash me, Mother Water, wash away all the evil, black, alluvial, induced, inflicted. Amen!

Place the photograph in the charmed water (it should be completely covered). Leave the container with the card overnight. In the morning, take out the photograph and place it on a clean sheet of paper on the windowsill so that the sun can dry it. Pour the liquid into a latrine, saying:

Mother Earth, human intercessor. Take away all the evil and damage from me, and take away all the ailments! Amen!

Rinse the vase under the flow from the tap. Repeat the procedure in the evening.

Spell against spoilage with wine and salt


  1. water (200 ml);
  2. candle (1 piece);
  3. red wine (50ml);
  4. salt (handful);
  5. and ash (pinch).

Choose a day in the week called women's day (Friday, Saturday, Wednesday), wait until sunset and stand facing west.

Raise a glass of wine, pour a pinch of salt into it three times, crush it with ash, and add a little water. Place both containers with liquid in front of you, place a candle nearby, light the wick and read the healing text:

White salt, bitter ash, strong wine that kills the mind. With that salt I will salt the evil slander, I will salt it and I will salt it. I will incinerate the ashes of demons, larvae and demons. I will drink the evil spirits with wine and make them dance to my pipe. I wash myself with clean water, I get rid of all the passions, ailments, illnesses and nightmares known to the world. Let the illnesses and ailments caused, sent, observed, charmed, induced by the water go away. No one will talk over my words, change them, twist them, or spoil them. Amen!

Cleansing a child's aura

It happens that negativity directed at an adult ends up on less protected household members, in particular children. The following folk method will help remove the damage caused to the child’s health.

Prepare in advance a bucket of water, a ladle (scoop) and a set of spoons (as many as you can find in the house). Scoop up water with a ladle and place it in front of you. Now, with one hand, grab as many spoons as possible and lower them into the ladle.

Take the ladle in your left hand, and one of the remaining spoons in your right, go to the door handle. Scoop water from the container with a spoon and pour it back through the handle. Once you've done three scoops, move on to another doorway. This way you must pour water through the holes of the three fasteners.

Place the baby on your lap, press his wrists to his body to prevent him from twitching, and splash some water on him from a ladle, then let him drink a couple of sips. Use the remaining water when bathing the baby. For three days, keep a church candle lit in front of a photo of your sick baby.

A strong spell to restore health

It is read for nine days in a row as the night luminary wanes:

Water flowed from the deep spring like the city of Jerusalem, bypassing sorcerers and sorcerers, heretics, born and learned magicians. From an evil slander, from a dashing message, from an infant, from a child, from the plague and typhus, from empty births and miscarriages, from fever and bleeding, from damage, the evil eye and external pressure, from Herod’s daughters: Oppression, Yellowness, Ulcers, Pukhlei, Ognii, Khripey, Gnobia, Cough, Udavei, Hunger, Gorbei, Znobei. (Shade the water with a cross and continue). And in the city of Jerusalem, where the throne-throne stands in the palace, Jesus Christ himself sits, next to him is Elijah the prophet, who strikes demons with a rod, destroys them with a spark-flame, and with water obtained from the Jordan River. With the sign of the cross I call you, with passionate fire I expel you from the body: cast away, Satan, leave the body of the servant of God (the name of the patient): from the violent head, from the hair, from the lips and voice, from the white, marble bone, from the red, warm, life-bearing bone blood, from the spine, from the arms and legs, from the liver, from the heart, from the kidneys, from the stomach, from the bladder, from the ovaries and uterus (for women), from the bile duct, from the intestines, from the veins and hamstrings, from the joints and fingers . You should not be here, you should not draw strength from the servant of God (repeat the name) and you should not drink the blood from his prayerful baptized body. Amen!

In addition to multiple magical rituals, they do a good job of getting rid of. Patron Saints Nicholas the Wonderworker, mother Seraphim, Panteleimon the healer, guardian angels will always come to the aid of those suffering who sincerely pray for healing. Try to visit the temple and order a prayer for health for yourself and your enemies - this way you will turn evil towards the offenders.