Feng Shui student's study corner. A table by the window in a children's room How to properly position a desk for a child

Let's consider how a schoolchild's study corner should be arranged according to Feng Shui. We all know that some children manage to do their homework quickly and get good grades, while others fiddle with homework until midnight and to no avail, the next day the child still comes with a bad grade. Do you know why this happens? As a rule, the point is not at all in the child’s mental abilities, but in his educational place. There are no stupid children. But an improperly organized educational place is a fairly common occurrence.

The requirements for a study place boil down to being attractive to the child. After all, in order to quickly and efficiently complete homework, he needs to concentrate his attention on them. And all objects in the study corner should contribute to this. There are several Feng Shui techniques to create an attractive work area.

Feng Shui student's study corner. Where to put a desk

The place to study should be organized like this: the child sits with his back to the wall, and the table is in front of him. The wall is subconsciously perceived as a support, so in this position the child will feel confident and calm.

The entire room and its entrance are within his line of sight, and he doesn't worry about adults catching him by surprise. This will allow him to concentrate and complete his homework most efficiently.

The place of study will be even more comfortable if the child has support on the left - the left side is energetically weaker, and besides, the heart is located here. Also make sure that sharp corners of furniture, wall protrusions, window sills and other furnishings are not pointed at the child sitting at the table. Often, a child does not sit at a desk precisely because of the presence of “poisonous arrows”: he intuitively strives to leave the zone of their influence.

A big mistake is to place your desk right next to the window. The child will look with longing as his peers play in the yard, and this will discourage him from doing his homework.

Once in my practice there was a case when parents complained about their son’s poor academic performance, while his desk was located right next to the window. I advised the child to be transplanted to another, more suitable place. A week later, his mom called me and said they were pleasantly surprised by the results. The boy literally stuck to his new place of study and wrote an excellent essay on literature, which had never happened before.

It is not advisable to place a desk between the window and the door. This arrangement is called “bullet through”: energy rapidly rushes through this span and de-energizes both the place itself and the person sitting there. The child will not sit for long in such a place. The feeling of discomfort will make him jump up every five minutes. In addition to everything else, the child may have problems with the spine. If it is problematic to allocate another place for the table, hang a cut glass ball on the window, place indoor plants on the windowsill, and hang wind chimes in the door: these objects will become a protective barrier to the flow of energy.

Position the table so that the child sits facing one of his favorable directions, preferably the best: it will be easy for him to concentrate, learning new information will go faster, and the energies of a successful direction will program him for success. When a child reaches 10 years of age, this is a mandatory condition.

Feng Shui student's study corner. What should a desk and chair look like?

We decided on a place for a desk. Now about what he and the chair should be like.

Naturally, when selecting furniture, one must take into account standard recommendations. Let me remind you of some of them. The table should fit: an unfolded album, a stand for pencils and pens, a table lamp. Although you can save on a lamp by placing the lighting above the table. A bedside table with three or four drawers will come in handy.

The optimal table height is selected as follows. Place the child on a chair and ask him to bend his elbows at a right angle: they should be at the level of the tabletop. The legs of a child sitting at the table, bent at a right angle, must rest on the floor or on a special stand, otherwise he will spin, taking complex poses that are harmful to the spine. Make sure there is enough space under the table so that the child can comfortably stretch his legs.

You will definitely need a chair with a comfortable back. The height is selected as follows: when sitting, the back should fit snugly against the back of the chair, and the legs should be bent at a right angle. It is better to immediately buy a chair with a height-adjustable seat, armrests and a high back. It is desirable that the angle between the seat and the back of the chair be slightly more than 90°.

You can buy an office table and chair, but with a children's design - bright colors, depicting cartoon characters.

Both the table and chair should not have sharp corners. Angles have an aggressive effect on any person, but especially on a child. Try to find furniture with rounded outlines. Actually, similar requirements apply to all children's furniture. And it’s not good for adults to live surrounded by angular objects.

Handles of desk drawers should be round or oval, preferably wooden, but not metal or trimmed with metal! Try to choose furniture for the nursery that does not have any metal overlays. It is better if the heads of screws and bolts connecting furniture joints are covered with plastic covers. Above the table you must definitely hang three pictures at different heights depicting a flowering plant, a smiling person and one of the money symbols (cornucopia, god Hottei, etc.).

Task lighting should be neutral in color and directed towards the desk rather than diffused. When choosing a lamp, remember about “poison arrows”: do not buy lamps with sharp design elements. Fluorescent lamps in a nursery are extremely undesirable. The ideal solution is a lamp with a round white shade: such a lamp really helps to concentrate.

Children's room according to feng shui

A child's environment greatly influences his life and behavior. The place where the child spends most of his time - plays, does homework, sleeps - is the children's room, the feng shui of which should be favorable.

A favorable atmosphere is created by many components: the color prevailing in the interior, lighting, choice of furniture, its arrangement, etc. What needs to be done to ensure that your child grows up healthy, strong and enjoys his academic success?

The rules of Feng Shui will help create a favorable environment of comfort, well-being and health for the child.

Children's room location

If you have the opportunity to choose a room, it is advisable to place the children's room in the east, which is associated with dawn and development. The energies of Nature will help your child develop harmoniously.

If the children's room is also located near the parents' bedroom, the child will feel doubly protected.

The child's room should not be located near the kitchen, bathroom or toilet.

Shape, room size, lighting

A square or rectangular room is ideal. Its dimensions must correspond to the age of the child. In a small room, a teenager will feel constrained and limited, while a large room can cause fear and a feeling of insecurity in a small child.

Canopy over the bed - good feng shui

It is important that the children's room is spacious, bright, with access to sunny colors and well ventilated. In a gloomy, unventilated room, it hovers, which affects the child’s psyche, causing aggression and disobedience.

Lighting should be not only general, but also local: in the work area and near the child’s bed (night light). Poor lighting, especially in winter, leads to apathy, lethargy, and fatigue in the child. However, bright and blinding light is also not suitable for lighting a room, as it will cause irritability and aggression in the child. Choose lighting fixtures with soft, soothing light, and for working at a desk, the light should be bright enough, but not in the eyes.

Room color scheme

The most important aspect is the color that is used in interior design. According to Feng Shui, the nursery should have a color scheme that will have a calming effect on the child, since he spends the whole day here until bedtime. These colors are: beige, calm pink, cream, soft green. Red, yellow and orange are exciting colors and should not be used in a child's room.

In any case, choose a color based on your child's temperament. Slow and passive children will benefit from brighter colors and patterns that will lift their spirits and balance out the lack of energy. In the room of an overly active child, calm shades should prevail, since it is better to protect him from an excess of emotions.

Rational zoning of a children's room according to Feng Shui

Bright room - for calm children

The children's room should be divided into zones for different purposes: for activities, games and sleep. Feng Shui zones in the nursery are determined in the same way as zones throughout the apartment (using a compass and bagua grid). They can be divided conditionally or using light shelving, screens and furniture.

The northeast sector of the room is the knowledge zone. It is not advisable for a schoolchild to push a desk into the very corner; it is better to turn it around so that the child, sitting behind it, can see the door. The window should be to the left of the sitting child. If a child sits with his back to the door, he tenses up all the time, not knowing what is happening behind his back. This is unnerving and makes it difficult to concentrate. A simple rearrangement will improve the child’s progress, he will begin to devote more time to classes.

Do not place a desk in the window-door span, as energy from the window quickly passes through the child to the door. You can change the situation for the better by placing flowers on the windowsill as a barrier to the passage of energy, and hanging a “Feng Shui breeze” in the doorway.

In the same sector, place a globe or a world map, which will broaden the child’s horizons, and the collection of minerals will contribute to successful studies.

It is better to place the playing area next to the door. The area near the door is more active, so it is ideal for games and educational activities in the form of a game.

What is the best way to organize your sleep area?

Shelves above the bed - bad feng shui

The bed should not be located opposite the door or near the door. It is best if the head of the child and the back of the bed are turned towards the wall, this will give children a feeling of protection and peace.

For calm, balanced children, the eastern direction is most favorable - when the bed is against the eastern wall and the windows face east. The western direction is suitable for very active and active kids. You can determine for yourself what is best. If the child does not sleep well, screams at night, tosses and turns, and rolls over in the other direction, then the bed should be placed in a different direction.

School-age children should definitely sleep with their heads to the east or south (as a last resort).

When choosing a bed, you need to consider several conditions:

  • the baby’s bed should be made of natural wood and match its size;
  • Avoid bunk beds. They negatively affect both one and the other child. The child sleeping below has suppressed energy, and the child sleeping above loses support;
  • the bed should not be very low, as energy will not circulate normally under it.

You can install a night light with a soft glow near the bed, which will calm the child and he will not be afraid to stay in the room. A canopy built above the bed will give peace and a sense of security to a falling asleep child. His sleep will become stronger.

Bookshelves should not be hung above the bed, and bedside tables with sharp corners that are higher than the sleeping place should be placed nearby - negative energy will affect the child and sleep will be restless. Also, there should not be a chandelier or lamp hanging over the bed.

Mirrors are not allowed opposite the bed - a sleeping child should not be reflected in the mirror.

Listen to these tips for organizing a children's room and follow them:

Remember, children are our main value. And it depends on you and me how the child will grow up and how he will feel at home, whether home will be his friend or enemy. If you listen to the wise advice of the ancient teachings of Feng Shui, you can organize the safest and kindest life for your child at home.

Schoolchild's workplace. How to register correctly?

The days are getting shorter, the nights are getting longer and colder. And parents of yesterday's kindergarten graduates are having more and more problems. One of the most important is the refurbishment of a children's room. And if earlier the room of your heir or heiress was primarily a play area, now, with the start of school, it will also become a work office, one of the most important parts of which is a desk or desk, and a chair on which the young student will sit. When designing a workplace, parents should remember that from the very first days at school the child’s spine and eyes will experience enormous stress, so the wrong choice of furniture and its location in the room can lead to serious problems with the child’s health.
The huge selection of furniture presented in stores today often not only does not make life easier for parents, but only adds to their problems. In fact, setting up a workplace for a future first-grader is not that difficult if you keep a few simple rules in mind.

First, parents need to decide where to put the desk and chair.
The location of a desk or desk in a room is one of the most important points when planning a workplace, and this should be approached with the utmost seriousness, having thought through everything to the smallest detail.
Quite often, parents make a typical mistake - they place the table directly opposite the window. This should not be done for several reasons.
Firstly, the sun's rays will be reflected from its surface, which creates excess strain on the baby's eyes. And secondly, with this arrangement of the table, the child will constantly have a desire to see what is happening outside the window, and he will often be distracted from doing his homework.
If your child is right-handed, it is best to place the table so that the light falls from the left; if the baby is left-handed, then vice versa.

Having figured out the place, you need to think about the size of the table and chair.
It is not uncommon to see that when doing homework, a child sits at a desk designed for an adult and in an adult chair. In this case, the tabletop is at the level of the chin, the shoulders are above the ears, and kyphosis is formed in the lumbar region.
Try to avoid this situation and choose a table for your child so that it is “the right size” for him. Today, the problem can be easily solved by purchasing a table with legs whose height is adjustable, and a similar chair. If for some reason this is not possible, remember the basic rules regarding the size of the table and chair.
To determine if a chair is the right size, sit your child so that his or her feet are flat on the floor. If the angle between the thigh and lower leg is straight, you can rest assured that the chair has been chosen correctly. If the angle is sharp, consider a larger chair, and if the angle is obtuse, consider a smaller chair. It is important that the end of the chair lid does not rest against the popliteal cap.
Let's go to the table. To determine whether a table is suitable for your child, sit your child on a chair next to it. If the elbow of your hand lowered to the floor is 5-6 centimeters below the table top, you have made the right choice.

It is also useful to know the simple rules for determining the height of a chair and table, keeping in mind the following ratio:
(Student height - Table height - Chair height)

Up to 130 cm – 520 mm – 300 mm.
From 130 to 145 mm – 580 mm – 340 cm.
From 145 to 165 mm – 640 mm – 480 cm.
From 160 to 175 mm – 700 mm – 420 cm.
Over 175 cm – 760 mm – 460 mm.
If you are buying a desk and chair for growth, be sure to buy a footrest so that your child's feet are on a solid surface and not dangling.

The dimensions of the tabletop are also important, because there should be enough space on it for everything a student needs: textbooks, notebooks, pens, pencils and much more. The optimal size of the table top is at least 60 by 60 centimeters, otherwise, when doing homework, the child will constantly have to look for a place for his supplies.

Now think about where all your school supplies will be placed.
To study, a schoolchild will need a lot of different items, and all of this should be located in the room so that the child does not experience problems getting ready for school or doing homework. Everything should be compact, convenient and in one place. One option for organizing school supplies is to purchase a desk with drawers. At the same time, it is important that the boxes are not too voluminous and deep, otherwise the child will spend a lot of time trying to “catch” the desired item from them.
Another option is to buy a bookcase or shelf, which can be either open or closed. The choice of option depends on you and your child, however, remember that open shelves in a sense oblige the child to keep them in order, because the mess on an open shelf will be noticeable to everyone. There is also an opinion that this version of the shelves creates a more “open character”. If you know that your baby is more private by nature and values ​​personal space, you may want to consider choosing closed shelves, or a combination of both options.
The number of shelves for books should correspond to the age of the child. For a first grader, one shelf is enough, and then, as the child grows older, you can add additional ones.

Think carefully about the lighting in the nursery.
The child will not always study in daylight, so it is important to think through the placement of overhead and table lighting to the smallest detail. In order to avoid light changes, it is best to use these two types of lighting simultaneously, especially if the child is doing homework in the evening. Again, keep in mind that the light source should be on the left for right-handed people and on the right for left-handed people.
Halogen light bulbs are not allowed in a child's room due to their high brightness. Before purchasing a lamp, be sure to read the hygienic registration certificate, which indicates its scope of application.

And it is very important to think about where to put the computer and whether it is needed at all.
It is impossible to imagine modern life and study without a computer. Many children already know how to use it perfectly by the time they start school. But all parents understand that in the first grade it will not be needed often. Whether it is worth installing a computer in a beginning student’s room now is up to you to decide, but in this matter it is important to remember its safe and convenient location.
An ordinary desk is not suitable for this, since the distance between the monitor and the eyes should not be less than 50-70 cm, and the size of the tabletop of such a table does not allow this to be achieved.
It is hardly possible to place two tables in one room, one of which will house a computer, so you should think about purchasing a corner table that is popular today. In this case, the monitor will be located at the desired distance from the eyes, and there will be enough space on the table to do homework or draw.

Think about the little things that make a student’s life easier.
Having solved the most important problems, be sure to think about the little things. Don’t forget to buy a special stand for the textbook, this will make it much more convenient for your child to study.
Think about the color of your desk, chair, and other work furniture. Of course, it is important that the color scheme matches the interior, but the child’s personal preferences are no less important, because he will spend a lot of time at the table.
When designing your child’s first workplace, be guided not only by your own preferences and considerations. Consult with your child, ask for his opinion, ask your child to describe or even draw his dream workplace, and then go shopping together. And then learning will bring only joy to the child.

After a table for a first-grader has been selected and purchased, a reasonable question arises, where is the best place to put the school table? Where will the child be most comfortable doing his homework?

In order to understand how to set up a desk for a first-grader, we will designate places where there should not be a desk for a schoolchild.

  • A desk in the kitchen - it happens that there seems to be absolutely nowhere to put furniture for a schoolchild, but the kitchen is large and a computer desk for a schoolchild is placed in the kitchen, which in some apartments is more spacious than the rooms. The kitchen is the most inconvenient place for lessons. Firstly, people often come into the kitchen, which can greatly distract from your studies, and secondly, there is food nearby, and food and textbooks are incompatible things.
  • You should not place a first-grader’s desk near the door, and especially with his back to the door - such an arrangement creates psychological discomfort.
  • A schoolchild's desk by the window. It seemed like an ideal place. But a schoolchild’s desk placed by the window, where there are no thick curtains to protect from the sun, will definitely not add comfort to an older student who does part of his homework at the computer. As you know, the screen glares from the sun. Therefore, if you are going to place a table by the window, then only where the window has not yet begun and there is a little wall, in the corner.
  • A desk for a first grader under a bunk bed is a good way to save square footage and a very bad way to do homework. When something hangs over a person during exercise, it causes discomfort. And even if the child is comfortable in such a place, the parent will not be able to help him do his homework - he will have to bend over backwards to come up and see the result or move away from the table.
  • The desk is against the wall, but in the middle of the room. On the one hand, the location is very convenient, you can quickly approach, you can immediately see what the baby is doing. But the child will be much more comfortable in a corner where he is not immediately visible from the door - after all, your task is to create a comfortable feeling while spending time at home, and not vice versa.

How to set up a children's desk correctly

A sense of personal space is the first and most important point in setting up a desk for a schoolchild in an apartment. In order for the child to feel comfortable doing his homework and just want to sit and draw, the table for a first grader should be in the opposite corner from the door, so that the child can see the door, and those entering do not immediately see what he is doing. Both adults and children will feel more confident if there is a wall behind them rather than a window or empty space.

Often it is impossible to place furniture in a room in this way, in which case, another option for a comfortable placement of a desk for a student is along the wall where the door is, so that the person sitting can turn his head towards the door.

They often place a table near the window, on the right or left (for a right-handed person the window should be on the left hand, for a left-handed person - on the right), so that daylight falls on the table - this is not a bad location, but you should make sure that you can hide from the sun's rays. And it's better if there is a wall behind. But if this is not possible, position the table so that the door is on the side and not on the child’s back..